
Chapter 874 The Lonely Outpost and the Fat Merchant

The further they got from the swamp the faster life seemed to come back to the land. Grass starting to show up in patches and then in a great big carpet. Trees went from brittle, sickly looking things to short but wide trees with branches reaching far and wide to collect as much sun as possible. Sure it was no great forest, but things looked healthy. Much healthier then Xiang at any rate. 

Yang woke up after about an hour of rest, but the only reason Kat knew that was because she heard the sharp gasp of Yang upon returning to the world of the waking. Yang made no move to reveal herself or leave the snake head. Apparently while stubbornly trudging on was fine, once you'd fallen already you were fine to keep quiet and rest. Kat just wished Xiang would either collapse or just accept a bit of help already. 


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