
Chapter 243 Ki

"Hmm, this is certainly interesting, but I doubt now is the time to delve so deeply in these matters. Can you posit any other reason for your companion to have such a solid foothold within this dream despite not being native to this world" said Major(?)

Minor's eyes flicked to Kat for a second, before speaking again "I… believe that most likely reason for that would be that Kat has a full and intact soul, while I am less than I once was, and you are only part of yourself" said Minor

Major(?) nodded at this, as she stretched herself out, wood creaking as she moved. "I cannot deny your claims. At least not on the face of it. I do however find it strange that such a thing could occur. How exactly is it that… Kat I believe you said, could possibly place her entire soul within our mind… I would imagine that to be impossible" said Major(?)
