
Chapter 53: Night with Misty

They left the store arm in arm, with Ark holding a considerably filled bag. Misty had gone around the whole shop looking at all of the fashionable outfits and becoming captivated by them, however she was reserved with Ark buying them so she only ended up taking one to the counter. Sensing the consideration in her actions, Ark decided it was fine to splurge a bit more than he usually would on clothes shopping and brought her two more outfits. One of the outfits was something she had reacted to the most when first seeing it, thinking it was adorable whilst the other was something that had caught Arks notice when they were browsing but Misty missed it.

All in all, Misty left the shop with a huge smile across her face as she constantly looked between Ark and the bag he was carrying for her. She radiated an aura of pure joy as she skipped alongside Ark with her arm wrapped around his free arm.

"You seem very happy"

Ark smiled as he watched the joyful Misty skip beside him, the sight of it warmed his heart as he thought about the fact that he was cause of such a heart warming expression.

"Of course I am, I have been spoiled today and it feels so nice. Thank you so much Ark."

"I am glad, even if you do sort of make me sound like a sugar daddy"

Ark chuckled at Mistys comment. His feelings on the matter were true. Despite her comment sounding platonic, he could feel how happy and grateful she was about the day as well as how much the distance between them had shortened in such a small amount of time.

"No, no! I never mean't it like that. I mean I am super grateful for the gifts but really just the day in general has been amazing"

As she fervently denied Arks statement, a slight blush grew on her cheeks as she admitted her feelings about the date. Originally, she did not go out with the intentions of viewing it as a date, since it would make her very nervous. However, the day had felt so natural and comfortable that calling it anything else would seem like denial. Misty genuinely did not want the day to end, she wanted to continue enjoying the day forever.

"I agree. Today has been really fun for me. Even if what we did was simple, I had just as much fun."

Ark looked out to the horizon at the end of the street. The once thriving streets were gradually becoming more desolate as the shops started to close for the day.

"I don't want this to end..."

A small whisper trickled in from Arks side. Looking down, he felt Misty pressing her cherry face into his arm as she realised her mouth had accidentally spoke her thoughts.

"If you want... it doesn't have to"

Although he did not want to rush her, Ark felt it would be a shame to end it by simply parting ways in the Pokémon Centre.

Misty looked up at Ark, a hint of confusion and hope on her face.

"What are you thinking?"

Gently smiling as the adorable expression, Ark continued.

"Well if you want you can come back to my room and we can talk more"

As confident as Ark felt about Misty liking him, she was still a virgin girl and he wanted her to be comfortable before he started truly seducing her. Therefore, even if she may be willing, he did not intend to go all of the way with her tonight otherwise something meaningful they could have had, could be ruined.

Thus, they left for the Pokémon Centre arm in arm.

When they arrived, they bid Nurse Joy 'Hello and Good night' before going straight to Arks room. Most of the current occupants were already in their rooms by now so they hallways were dead silent causing a slight tension to build up between Ark and Misty. Despite him swearing to himself that he would not go all of the way, he had never voiced that to Misty. As a result, a tinge of nervousness was slowly growing inside her.

They arrived at the room fairly quickly, however that was enough time for Misty to grow completely silent with her head downwards.

Ark decided ignoring it until they were inside would be for the best, otherwise he may just end up making her feel even more awkward.

"Come on in"

His tone was light as he opened the door and turned the light on.

Misty followed him in sheepishly, her usual tyrannical demeanour lost to nerves.

"Here have a seat, while I make us a drink"

Ark started to prepare tea while Misty sat on the bed. Her whole body was as stiff as a board, her movements mechanical.

"Are we going to..."

A meek voice sounded out behind him as he was making tea. He did not even need to hear the whole sentence for the meaning to be portrayed to him.

"I don't plan to today, as much as I would love to, I can see that you will need time to prepare"

Ark brought over the drinks and smiled warmly at the shocked Misty.

"Eh? I thought that you wouldn't be able to hold back? You are a man right?"

Arks eyebrows twitched as he headed her doubt his gender.

"Of course I am a man, it's just I would rather you be prepared to lose your first time rather than it being a scary experience wracked with nerves"

Misty smiled bitterly as she realised that her feelings had been clearly showing on her face.

"Although I have quite a few plans for the future"

A teasing smile sat upon his lips.

"Since you've been so kind as to hold back, let's say I'm excited to find out what these plans are in the future"

With the tension gone, the two continued talking until the later hours of the night.

Eventually, 12am came and they decided to end their date.

"If you want, you can stay here tonight. Of course no funny business but you can sleep here"

Ark proposed.

"Really? In that case I will take you up on that gracious offer"

Misty accepted immediately when she heard the offer.

"Let me go get my night wear"

Misty sped off out of the door, clear excitement on her face. Compared to when she first entered the room, her usual bubbliness had recovered to a great extent.

Ark was ready to call it a day when he heard the knocking he had been waiting for. Misty came back however, strangely she was still in her clothes from today.

Noticing Arks confused expression, she chuckled before closing the door and walking over to the bed.

"Get in for now"

He nodded at Mistys instructions as his expectant unknowingly soared. Once he was sat down, he saw Misty slowly lift up her shirt. As her hands lifted higher, more pale pink skin began to show. The light blush on her skin sending shivers down Arks spine.

His eyes focused on her every movement, refusing to miss a single moment.

Eventually, her t-shirt was off and exposed underneath was her bare stomach and a transparent black camisole that covered her breasts barely.

Feeling the intense stare on her body, Mistys skin darkened a deeper shade of red as the pure passion and lust radiated from Ark.

Continuing, Misty slowly lowered her jean shorts down her hairless legs. After a moment, a pair of matching transparent black panties were visible covering her secret garden. The contrast between the cherry red skin and black sent his mind into overload as he puffed out smoke from his nose.

"Do you like it?"

The slight quiver in her voice betrayed her brave facade.

Instead of answering, Ark stood up and led her to the bed. His expression had returned from the entranced look to a gentle one.

"You are stunning Misty, I love every single inch"

A bright smile appeared on Mistys face as she listened to Arks words. Although she often spoke highly of herself, with 3 sisters who are arguably the best looking women in Cerulean City, she did not receive as many compliments as they did. Therefore, Arks heartfelt comment sent her heart thumping rapidly.

They climbed into bed with Arks arms wrapped around her waist, her face burying into his chest.

Looking up, she saw his gentle smile directed at her. Just as she was about to speak, Ark overlapped his lips atop hers. Their kiss quickly turned very passionate as the two started to entwined tongues, only ever separating for air.

Just like this, the curtain fell on Arks first organised date.
