
Taking Over

Seeing how Raynor eyes changed colours, and turned into emotionless purple ones, which were actually glowing, PSICOM soldiers thought only one thing.

That this guy is a l'Cie, and l'Cie are shot to kill on sight.

PSICOM soldiers quickly spread out and surround him and opened fire...



Raynor simply raised his right hand and all the bullets which were flying towards him stopped mid-air.

"I do believe these are yours guys..." Raynor motioned for bullets to turn around and fly back.

PSICOM soldiers quickly started to dodge some of them were lucky others were not that lucky...

'Hmm these ones little bit more competent than the ones in Hanging Edge.' Raynor noticed some of these men look like they went through some serious training.

Not only that they don't look that disturbed that Raynor can stop bullets mid-flight.

'Well, I suppose this is a good place to test some of six paths abilities...' Raynor thought to himself with a smirk.

"Shinra Tensei!" Raynor pointed his hand at soldiers in front of them, and gravity pushed them back, and sending flying into crystalised water walls.

"W-What just happened!!!" One of the soldiers screamed with shock as he saw one his teammates just fly and smash into a wall!

He didn't have a chance to say anything again as he had to dodge balls of crimson energy flying right into them, what baffled the trained soldier was precision of the shots, as it only targeted the PSICOM weaponry...

The soldiers quickly started to scatter to take cover, but to their horror, the earth started to shake as...

Tree roots started to come out from the crystalised water...

"W-What going on where these trees coming from!?!" Another PSICOM soldiers started to scream as tree branches started to coil around him.

In mere few seconds right next to PSICOM cruiser small forest appeared.

"Well, well wood-style really is all-rounder..." Raynor said loudly enough for everyone to hear, as he checked out his small handiwork.

"Now, let's try something else..." Raynor started to fly as behind him nine pitch-black balls slowly manifested.

"Truth-seeking balls..." Raynor motioned for the nine-pitch black balls to charge into black-dressed PSICOM soldiers who were lucky enough to dodge his 'Deep Forest Emergence' technique.

These black orbs smashed into their guts and send them flying, some of them tried to fight off these black things but they were extremely heavy and they simply could not even lift them.

"Right then guys, you have my thanks for allowing to me test some stuff on you guys..." Raynor said with a smile.

There were around a hundred groans coming from the mini forest.

"But alas I have a few things to do...so I shall keep this short..." Raynor for the second closed his eyes, then he opened.

"Tsukuyomi..." Moments later struggles stopped, Raynor was impressed he can do it without eyes contact...

'Hmm guess my divinity spreading out to them was enough...' Thinking for a second, Raynor clapped his hand and trees retracted, and pulling PSICOM soldiers into to crystalized ground, leaving only their head above ground.

Moments later Raynor looked with a smirk at two hundred heads above ground, while he can't see their expressions, thanks to their helmets, he still knew that all of them are inside illusion world, experiencing their greatest fantasies...

Raynor landed on the ground and cancelled his truth-seeking orbs, and turned off his Rinne-Sharingan.

Moments later Serah jumped on top of his back.

"That was awesome!!! how many abilities do you really have? what else can you do??" As the younger pink head as asking him questions, Lightning and Sazh walked over, they looked weirdly at over two hundred sticking out heads from the ground...

"It's going to take ages for PSICOM to excavate these guys out..." Sazh said jokingly, trying to get over the fact that he just saw a forest appearing from crystalized water...

"Yes, that means they going divert some manpower here..." Raynor said to him as he gently took Serah of his back.

"For now let's get inside that cruiser." Raynor motioned to follow him inside the airship.

Seconds later, Raynor steamrolled through the corridors of the PSICOM cruiser, before anyone could try stopping him, he would simply gut-punch anyone in his way.

Arriving at the Cruisers bridge, Raynor saw a skeleton crew there.

*Hand Clap*

He got everyone attention.

"Ladies and Gents I am taking this airship over!" Raynor said with a massive grin on his face.

People who had guns pulled out and pointed at him others simply got up from their stations.

"Really? I mean really? don't you guys saw what I did outside a few minutes ago? I literally took whole PSICOM hunters battalion... and you guys still trying to fight me..." Raynor sighed and simply vanished, next second he appeared back into his original spot.

He dropped the content he was holding in his hands on the ground...

Those were guns he collected from Bridge officers...

"Now then..." Raynor eyes changed for a second, he used his genjutsu on them.

Everyone eyes turned glazed, Raynor motioned with his hand to leave... they all followed his command without fuzz.

"Oh and collected those downed soldiers in the corridors," Raynor said with a chuckle.

He then turned to Sazh who was already checking out the controls of the airship.

"Well, can you control this thing?" Raynor asked him as he went over to his side.

"I think... I can do it... but the problem is this thing is quite big, there are several key positions which need to be manned, and of course, Eden Flight control will notice approaching PSICOM Cruiser..." Raynor nodded hearing that...

He did a cross hand sigh, and with pop several copies of Raynor appeared.

"Mine clones will man other positions, while I need your Lightning help to check the cruiser for stranglers." Original Raynor said to Lightning who seriously, noted she finally has a chance to beat someone up, she didn't really even cared that with 'pop' several copies of Raynor have appeared.

"What about Eden Flight Control? they will release fighters after us..." Sazh asked Raynor, while he is all up for flying a battlecruiser, Eden still has one of the best air security in Cacoon, they can easily take down single Battlecruiser.

"Don't worry about that..." Raynor smirked as he sends a message to his puppy...

*Happy Howl*

Moments later an extremely loud howl spread out through the whole Cacoon.

"I see..." Sazh said with pity, he is pitting PSICOM officers who are manning defences in Eden.

Raynor smirked seeing Sazh expression, he then ordered his clones to their positions, while Lightning turned around and went to explore the cruiser interior, Serah followed her for this small mission.


Eden is the capital of Cacoon situated in the very centre of Floating Paradise, this means that it can be seen from any location from Cacoon as it's a floating city inside floating Paradise...

A floating city like Eden has one greatest defensive powers in Cacoon thanks to being its capital as well as actually it's status as a floating city...

But, too bad none of these perks going to protect it from a thirty metres tall Primordial Wolf who can shapeshift it size at will...


Massive beast lunged at Anti-air turrets who was shooting at approaching beast.

Pity that no mortal weapons can even effect this beast who discarded it's mortality months ago.

"hahaha it tickled!" Massive Wolf laughed as rocket rammed into its fur and exploded upon contact.

PSICOM soldiers looked absolutely terrified as they saw that their weapons have no effect on this creature.

While Fenrir just lunged at another Anti-Air turret, crushing the thing with ease.

He opened his mouth and released another Howl this time this howl was powered by his Primordial energy, which shredded everything in its path.

By this point, the whole city went into a panic frenzy, as massive wolf can be seen through the whole city.

While Wolf was rampaging inside the city defences, a cruiser landed in one of its docks...

"Isn't this bit too much? your Wolf will cause a lot of damage and deaths..." Sazh said to Raynor as they were moving towards Edenhall the seat of government.

"Damage can be repaired...while no one actually died since this fiasco started," Raynor said to him, as they were making their way through empty streets, most of the population was already moved inside shelters while PSICOM focused on 'taking out' Fenrir...

"What do you mean?" Lightning asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I left one of my clones in 'Hanging Edge', and other areas, where we went so far, no one died from 'Purge' or some accident-related to the 'Purge'," Raynor said to his fellow teammates

Serah, Sazh even Lightning looked at him with awe, while Lightning was trying not to show it, she in truth was impressed.

"Once I take over and rewrite the Cacoon fal'Cie I will release those people back to Bodrum, and then erase few memories about this incident ever happening..." Raynor said, as they walked over to fancy looking palace-like building.

"Halt!!!" More PSICOM popped tried to surround Raynor group.

"Shinra Tensei!" Raynor simply blasted everyone, his group simply strolled inside Edenhall.

Raynor continued blasting everyone in his path, as he finally arrived at the Throne room of the ruler of Cacoon, the Primarch, or simply the Pope version of Cacoon...

Who in truth is actually a fal'Cie disguising as a man.

"It seems nothing is going as planned, hundreds of years of preparation..." Elderly man said, he was dressed like some Great Pope King, in white robes, and quite a big crown.

His words confused the troops who were defending him, even the supreme leader of PSICOM, who was standing next to the Primarch...

"But, it's understandable... an appearance of a Deity, in the physical plane, is something we fal'Cie can't predict..." The Primarch said with somewhat revered voice, which only made Raynor raise his eyebrow.

He can tell his true identity? but he rarely used his divinity inside Cacoon... even then he used only his Rinne-Sharingan, he didn't even release his pressure, otherwise he would kill everyone on this 'paradise' and planet outside of it...

Raynor snapped out of his thoughts as he looked around, all the PSICOM soldiers dropped their weapons, they even dropped on their knees, even the sexy looking PSICOM leader, she had the look of shock and awe, as she was looking at Raynor, even his teammates, were not different.

"Well it seems you have spilt the beans as they say..." Raynor shook his head.

"My excellency, I know I have no means to fight a God, but I wish to know what happened to Pulse and Lindzei..." The Primarch asked Raynor as he removed himself from the Throne, and started walking down the stairs.

"Pulse is under my control and Lindzei and Bhunivelze are dead..." Raynor said with bored voice, he can't believe this faker told everyone his real identity...

While Raynor was little bit brooding the rest of mortals around him were quite taken aback what he just said...

Primarch sighed in defeat, there is no point of continuing with his plans... even if he could someway magically beat this Deity in front of him, Lindzei... his creator is gone...

"I see... then what do you suggest we do then?" The Primarch said to Raynor.

"I am taking over, and I shall rewire all fal'Cie on Cacoon, easy as that..." hearing that no one complained, in fact, most of the gathered people still getting over the simple fact, that this in Holiday clothes dressed man is an actual God...

Raynor closed his eyes for a second, he unleashed his divinity, and then spread his omnipresence, throughout the whole floating paradise, then he operated world laws around the whole thing, accessing every single fal'Cie in Cacoon, from food making to Refinery ones, all of them were rewired to listen to Raynor, or his God minion Pulse, most importantly he removed that urge they have to reset the world...

"And done..." Raynor opened his eyes and looked around, nothing obviously changed, since changes were at a spiritual level.

"You shall continue doing your duties as Primarch..." Raynor said to the Primarch, who's expression now was that of a happy man who is working his dream job.

Raynor then looked at Lightning and Serah, both of them were looking at him with a little bit of awe, not as much as PSICOM soldiers who were still on one their knees, pretty much asking for forgiveness for raising weapons at him.

"Let me deal with some minor issues and then we can talk..." Raynor said to the girls as he vanished from his spot.

Very next moment whole Cacoon was washed over with white light...

The whole day was reset, only few people remembered what happened today...

One maybe two more chapters left of FF XIII then it's back to his home verse...

Here is my Discord, if anyone wants to talk about my fanfics.

https://dis cord.gg/KBWJ6Hb

Dragon15681creators' thoughts