
At work again

" Holy Shit, A special Reward from system? What is it?" Yang Shi asked happily.

" Host will get a special bloodline. Please choose a remote and quiet place for Blood fusion."

" Fuck, A bloodline. What Will I get? An Imperial Dragon Bloodline or Heavenly Phoenix Bloodline? Oh, I could also get a God Bloodline." Yang Shi could already think a dozen of things.

" Hmm, It says a remote place...Should I go to the Deep Sky forest?" Yang Shi pondered. " Well, I think I should go to a mission. Not only I will try out my new powers, but also I could do Blood Fusion." Yang Shi already decided. He looked at the newly bought sword.

It was 5 chi in length and 1.5 inches in width. It was pale dark. It's light, Swift, Durable, Perfect for an assassin. " Don't worry, Little Fellow, Soon I will merge Star Core Iron in you and give You a name."

The original crafter of this sword didn't give it a name, Because it was an unfinished product. But Yang Shi believed this sword is perfect for him.

Yang Shi put this sword in his waist and headed for the Blood Moon Hall.

" Time for some work."


" Ahahaha, Evil Shadow, Long time no see." The old man laughed a Yang Shi. Yang Shi silently used his eye technique on the Old Man, Try to probe his cultivation realm.

From the first day, Yang Shi knew that this old man in Blood Moon Hall is definitely not simple. And since he had gained the ability from the Lotus, He will definitely know it.

Yang Shi suddenly felt that he was standing amidst a sea of blood. A chill rose from his spine and his hair stood on its end. Yang Shi quickly canceled his technique. He was sweating profusely.

The Old Man grinned, Knowing What Yang Shi had done now. He said, " Aren't you are being disrespectful, Peering on an elder?"

" Fuck you, Old man, Even You are powerful, So what? Don't mess with me, else...Hehe." Yang Shi showed his fist to the old man and threatened him like a thug.

The Old Man sighed, " Aiii, Youngsters these days..."

Yang Shi joked with the Old Man because he didn't felt any malice from him. Yang Shi guessed the this old man is definitely at the Violet Palace Expansion Realm.

" By the way, You haven't told me your name yet?" Yang Shi said the old man.

" Well, People called me Old Ghost, Because I am just too old." The old man said with a smile.

" Old Ghost huh?" Yang Shi laughed hearing this name. " Anyway, I have to go now." Yang Shi said.

" Well, Evil Shadow has made quite a name in Misty Tower City, Huh?" The Old Ghost said.

" Hehehehe." Yang Shi laughed as he escaped to the mission hall.

" This kid is very interesting." The Old Ghost smirked, " Let's test him a bit."


" Huh, The Blood Brother bandits are still alive?" Yang Shi exclaimed. This mission was here last time, But Yang Shi choose to assassinate Ye Zheng.

" Well, Actually, a person picked this mission, But he died there." The middle aged man in the mission hall spoke.

" Hmm, Killing three peoples of Primordial Spirit Realm doesn't sound too difficult, right?" Yang Shi probed.

" Not really, But we have new input that they are colluding with some disciples of a sect."

" Wow, Now even a sect is involved in this?" Yang Shi didn't expect it.

" Yes, Some disciple of Golden Sun sect are in this."

" Golden Sun sect? Sure, Righteous path isn't really righteous." Yang Shi sneered.

" Well, The client has doubled the reward. Bounty is now A Hundred Thousand Gold coins."

" Oh, That's pretty big. So is there any additional danger?" Yang Shi asked.

" Yes, There might be two another cultivator of Primordial Spirit Realm, and may have a primordial spirit."

" Well, I am on." Yang Shi declared. The middle aged man nodded and threw a bronze seal at Yang Shi.

" What's this?" Yang Shi inspected the seal, It is made from bronze, A crescent moon was inscribed on it.

" You have ascended to the ranking of Blood Moon Hall. You are at the lowest rank, The Bronze Moon rank, There are Silver Moon, Gold Moon, Violet Moon, Crimson moon. Perform well for better ranking."

" I will." Yang Shi patted his chest.


" Blood Hand, Blood Saber, and Blood Ghost, Three notorious bandits. Each has reached the Primordial Spirit Realm. Plus there may be some sect disciples involved in it."

Yang Shi was reading the information scroll. Thankfully there aren't any time limits. Yang Shi picked this mission because the bandits may be hidden in the Deep Sky forest. So he will get the perfect place for Bloodline Fusion.

Yang Shi looked at his DanTian and said angrily, " You gluttonous Egg. You have been constantly eating my Internal Energy from the last three days. Just what you want?" Yang Shi was annoyed by the golden egg which was residing inside his DanTian.

This time, The egg hummed in response, like it was angry at the YangShi. Yang Shi sweated, " Fine, Just wait, I will drive you out eventually."

He didn't dare to anger it more, Else he will be in a tough position if it suck his blood like last time. Yang Shi was frustrated inside, He had to do something about this egg.

*Sigh* " Let's focus on the mission first." Yang Shi headed for the Deep Sky Forest.

While Yang Shi was distracted, a soft mutter emitted from the egg,

*Hump* " Stupid Human."


In the woods, a dark figure was moving like a specter. Soon he arrived on a forest path.

" Hmm, A carriage is coming this way." The figure muttered. He moved and vanished in the woods again. This figure was none other than Yang Shi.

He waved his hand to stop the carriage.

" Who are you, young man? What are you doing in the forest, alone?" The carriage drive asked cautiously.

" Ahahah, I came from the Misty Tower city. I came here to hunt some beasts. But forgot the way." Yang Shi said with a smile.

" Oh, You can go straight from here, You will find the way." The carriage drive was getting impatient.

" Hey, Aren't you a carriage driver? Take me back to the city." Yang Shi said like a spoiled child.

" No, I am busy. I can't take." The driver refused.

" Just how much you want? Here two hundred gold coins? Not enough? Here a hundred more?" Yang Shi threw the Gold Coins like candy.

" You..." Before the driver say anything else, A voice interrupted him, " Let him get on."

The driver listened to the order from the carriage. He smiled and said to YangShi, " Since Sir has agreed, You can come with us." Yang Shi could see the mockery behind the smile.

He pretended to be happy and said " Thank You, Once we reach the city, I will reward you more."

Yang Shi entered the carriage and saw two men are already sitting there. Their face looked fierce and gloomy. From the first look, One will get an uneasy feeling

Yang Shi sat there happily and started chatting with them.
