
Chapter 134: Greetings!

Sofia could not help but close her eyes as they entered the portal, it felt like a cool breeze, but at the same time like a warm breath clouding over her body as she walked past through it.

And without even realizing it, the texture of the ground they were previously stepping on changed. From the cool breeze of the fields they were in, to the warmth of a chamber.

Sofia slowly opened her eyes, and all around her were gold. Enough to blind her eyes.

She then felt the grip on her hand tighten.

For Viel, the place was almost unfamiliar to him, when they were here, this spacious golden hall was filled with purple vines. It was as if he was almost returning to a different world… or maybe he was?


A loud scream suddenly echoed through the hall, both Sofia and Viel quickly looked towards the direction of the voice.

There, a guy holding a broom was pointing at them, his eyes unusually wide.
