
The Death of Mortem Part 2

"Are you there, monster?"

"Scarlett Syndicate? Now, this is a surprise. I take it you dealt with my officers? You're the real monster here; they all had families."

"Worry not; your men will live to see another day. For sparing their pitiful meaningless lives, I want you to relay a message to Mortem. Tell her death is coming for her."

Charmeine stared at her radio, putting it back on her desk, sighing. "Damn it… Why is nothing ever going right for us?"

"That would be the results of Team Rhapsody." Charmeine spun in her seat, dazed to see Vanguard sitting on the sofa in her office relaxing. "I know the feeling all too well."

"You, you're Marcus Culling… The former number one streamer Vanguard."

"Correct, and you are Charmeine, the police commissioner and good friend to the CEOs."

Charmeine corrected herself standing up pouring herself a drink. "I take it Alton sent you, yes? Does he know then?"

"Know what?"
