
Chapter 8.2 - A Call to Arms

Due to the increased size of Haven's populace, it was no longer feasible to have the entire population gather in one place. Thankfully, over 10 years ago, the Lancers designed a rather ingenious system to solve this issue. Using a set of sister crystals grown together off the same mother lattice with delicate care, they developed a sonamimic, ad device able to copy Serin's likeness and words when he stood at the podium of the Capital Region's Audience Hall, and created a ghost of him to be present at each of the Regions, Allied Countries, Preserve, and Allied Citystate. Anyone with a sister crystal grown from the same mother lattice could listen in to this broadcast. The system had not been used other than a few tests, aerial bombardment drills, and one accidental invasion bell alarm. The child who had rung it was punished to 50 runs through the training dungeon, unarmed.

Serin stood at his podium as he had many years ago. Although unlike his nation of two decades past, this one had stratified itself quite well. As the Demis always say, 'the cream rises to the top'. So those who received the speech directly from him were the Merchants, Leaders, Representatives, and citizens of highest merit. Those who were worthy through their action of living in the capital.

His projection was seen in The Foundry Region, where he was addressing a majority of Forged and Transmuted, as well as Shurik's Research Complex. The evergreen moss that grew throughout the region was in balance with the thousands of forged charging pods. Forged cared not for luxury or opulence, and a safe place to recharge was all they required in a home. The moss was the idea of the Second Matron Grier, as she worried that the constant construction on a large scale of the region might upset the wild. Now, the pods were symmetrically laid, rock pathways bussing the occupants from their homes and into the Courtyard, where the speech was about to begin.

His projection was seen in the Biome Region where the Gole and Dhamphir lived, unhindered by the tyranny of Terra's natural environment. Having long ago mastered the magics and technology to create a home that was unfettered by nature. Winter, Summer, sleet, or snow, the Biome region was only ever met with a UV protected area of filtered air. Today was the scheduled 'gentle rain' day, but it was postponed for the announcement.

His projection was seen in the Preserve, Where it was met by Narissa, Mother of Dragonkin, and The fearsome dragonriders of Thul. They had since discovered the secrets of returning fertility to the dragons, and as such, all dragons signed a nonaggression pact with Haven. And should Haven take their territory, they will become co inhabitants. Such is the rule. Such is the way. And Narissa, the golden queen mother, stood next to Uriel the Lybringer diplomat and Princess Iris or Thul, Commander of the Dragonriders, the greatest Tamers of Thul.

His projection was seen in the Lakeview Region, where Serin's Navy was docked both in the artificial Lake and on sky tethers, The Skygge and Lybringers watching with earnest. The Lakeview Region was permanently flooded, acting as both a aquatic preserve and a bar against unnatural drought. Although Serin had long ago given up on such trivial things, the Lakeview Region was their nation's waterpark. And who knew what secrets were currently being developed in their underwater labs.

In the Bio-Metropolis, where buildings reached the very peak of the mountains, the culturally homogeneous collection of people watched and listened, most of the tenants believing that the fairytales of the 20 year war just a reason to increase taxes so long ago. Most of the residents were those of modicum merit, choosing to simply live life. Although most belonged to the protectorate, it was for the reserve duty and benefits, not for the glory of war. And while this call to action was a bit of a surprise, even the less trained of haven were still up to the task.

In the Dome Region, a Region of eternal summer, the agrarian workers listened, not knowing how the goings on of those outside their home would affect their idyllic lives. Theirs was a land of open air multi storied growing gardens, forests of food, and a rich biodiverse biome that overproduced food in abundance. Although the least populated region, it was still well regarded, and they stopped their work early to listen to this speech, from none other than the Grand Lord Serin Aegis, whom most in the region had never met.

In the Fortress City, Haven's Grey Soldiers and Special Forces Teams listened, as they knew what was coming and had been preparing for it for over a decade. These were those that had taken to heart the teaching of those who had fought before, and they stood ready to carry the torches of valor into the night.

In the Cadet City, Haven's newly plated and unplated youths listened as their lord spoke. They were excited, as this was the moment their teachers had been preparing them for since they were born. The Academy had been turned into an early education center, and this city was built to support the homogeneous youth, which numbered the largest population of Haven.

In the Watchtower's Region, the scouts, druids, and other leaders of nature were called forth to listen, an oath that must be fulfilled. Theirs was the job expansion and growth of Haven, not of War. But as members of the protectorate, this call could not be ignored like a simple regional governor's meeting.

In Every Region an Elven Grove, A Dryad's Forest, and a Fae Roost against the mountain were emptied, the residents moving to receive the message from their Lord.

In every region, a mix of emotions. This was the first time many of them had seen their Lord. And most felt fear as they saw his rage, his convictions.

Serin spoke, and the gathered crowds listened to their Lord. Serin stood at his podium, although he only saw a few hundred, he knew his voice carried to the thousands. His rage still simmering, he did his best to control his words.

'He wanted fervor, he got it.' Serin snarled at his patron's words.

"Citizens of Haven, beloved brothers and sisters of our Patron Gideon, those who came here through the gates, whether it be the front gates, or those provided by our grand Patron, I stand before to announce that the time has come.

Our enemies have decided that it is the time for War. Urged by necessity, I, by the guidance of Archbishop Gius and permission of the great keeper of the gates, have been anointed Saint Protector of this Nation, and chosen to lead our people through this chaos. I come before you as not your Lord, but as a fellow seeker of refuge.

Our enemy wants nothing less than the total annihilation of all of those who have entreated the impure, namely, any who are non-human, have laid with non-humans, done business with non-humans, or done anything but purify non-humans. For most listening, they demand of you the sacrifice of your wives, brothers, sisters, mothers, friends, compatriots, or your very self.

Our enemy has declared this holy war, one that they have prepared for. But they are not alone in that endeavor. Many of you know of the great sacrifices that were taken by the previous generation, and the great sacrifices of this generation. You, my brothers and sisters, have prepared. Now is the time. Gather your weapons and armor, report to your immediate supervisor. Should you be missing in equipment or familial assistance, we will meet your needs.

Should you be lacking in your resolve, we will minister to that as well. It will be up to all of us to achieve nothing short of total victory. Because should we fail, most of you listening will perish in the flames of Mephystra, where your souls will burn without end!"

Serin slammed his hand on the podium, cracking the ironwood, The strongest wood pulled from the dungeon.

"All present have known for a long time the great disorder that has been caused by this Cult and their ilk. In human nations, administration of justice is weak against them from the fear of their consuming flame and stoking the coals of their poisonous ideals.

Fear not that flame today. By law every citizen has been marked, and should you fall, you will rise again by my hand or the hand of those who have been appointed as grand healers. And do not stray from the path. Our enemy uses women and children as weapons, so should they not surrender, they are to be considered enemy combatants. I will not lose another soul to a misguided heart.

Now is the time, and by our hands we will be delivered to the peace we have so desperately sought. Many years ago, I promised the sun would shine again. That time is nigh.

The Protectorate, your time to serve is now. To our Allies, I call upon you to provide the aid you once swore. And to any of our enemies who are listening, We answer your call to battle."


"Lord Serin, what is the plan?"

Before him was Edel, Commander of the Allied Forces, Dana, his spymaster, as well as representatives of each of the races present.

"After speaking with Gideon, we have only one option. We must capture a majority of the holy sites, which I have determined is 8. That will be our public objective. Our private objectives will be written here."

Serin submitted a red folder to each of those present as they read it, there were gasps.

"This can't be real. Most of these aren't military targets."

"Well, we aren't fighting a nation, are we? We are fighting a holy war, and nearly a million have declared themselves enemies of those you represent."

"You realize the other nations won't take kindly to this." It was Dana.

"If we were to fight politely, we would lose politely."

"Why can't we just declare our own holy war after we win this one?"

"A Holy War being won by the defender required a 100 year peace between the two religions. We couldn't declare a holy war right back."

"Can we not demand conversion as our prize?"

"We could, we could request a conversion of an equal number of our followers, which would be converted right back, or sacrificed by their flame. Its numerical, not proportional."

"But the collateral damage will be immense, not to mention the ecological damage."

"I am open to suggestions, but this was the plan decided by myself and Gideon."

"What will happen to the prisoners of war?"

"I will see to them personally, check page 7."

"By the Divines."

Those present had a hard time stomaching what they read. Serin was losing his patience. He did not have to remind them as representatives their words were opinions he was free to disregard, which he was more than willing to do.

"What's the end state?"

"Simple. The enemy to our south will be a warning to the remaining nations on this continent what will happen should they ever stand against us."

This time it was Ephraim. "Serin, we have known each other for a long time. I understand that many of us are wary that your decisions may be guided by rage or depression, but I know that if this is the plan you have laid out, its for good reason."

Serin nodded, "As they were the spoils of a religious battle, the souls of my family burn in the fires of Mephystra's pure flame, and will for all eternity. All who fall to her risk being unable to be returned if she holds your soul hostage. So as of now, all protectorate soldiers will be required to carry a 'self terminate' ring and should they face capture or death from miasma, they will retreat, and if they cannot escape, self terminate.

Additionally, Gideon has revealed on of Mephystra's secrets. She can listen in on the hearts of those who have not laid with a non-human, which means whether it is by choice or not, all those who have been 'pure' of their body are to be treated as spies until such time that this situation can be rectified. Darius, Allister, and Jericho, All humans are to 'defile' themselves or will be detained in the watchtower until the end of the war Effective immediately."

"As of now, you will receive your orders from myself or Commander Edel, any questions, report to one of us. Meeting Adjourned."


If you have made it this far, enjoying my free book, please take time to pickup and read 'The Shadow and Her Giant', a story that focuses on Lark and Sophia. I am trying to win the WSA, and even though it is a low chance, the more exposure the better.

For that, my dear readers, I lean on you.

Srinlifecreators' thoughts