
Chapter 7.23 - The Plan

"So is there a chance of discovery?"

"There is always a chance of discovery."

"What is the plan?"

"For the actual mining, we will be using an outside expert in [terramancy]. We believe their might be an early warning system in place, so this expert is being paid on the condition that they are building a very long mining tunnel. His contract is 50% up front, 50% 'on completion' in which the asset will be terminated. As for the guard team, they are contracted out to guard a mining team and their supplies, both of which are contracted."

"There are protections in place to stop infiltration, we have learned that. How does this differ?"

"I think the protections in place might not trigger if the intent of the caster is innocent."

"That's quite the loophole the plan is hinging on."

"I agree. But until the breach happens, its just a dig site."

"Why use laborers?"

"The contract states there is a stone that absorbs mana, and that is why the 'mancer is doing all the up front work, while they are awaiting until he finds a node of this strange stone. This is all made up of course, as we have never discovered such an item, but that is what the contract has been signed for and justifies manual laborers."

The two speaking got quiet. It was a brisk fall morning outside a tavern in Ston. the two people discussing had taken several precautions to their discussion, wearing magical bracelets hat disguised their words and thoughts from anyone peering at them from more than 2 meters away.

Their conversation quieted. The tavern server heard their conversations about the Haven Harvest festival quiet when she approached. She tried not to smile. All of her thoughts on what the subject revolved around were that of 'i wonder which one of them had a child of the harvest?'

The food was set down. It was the more standard, heartier fare common among the northern kingdoms. There were a few of the famous "skygge" honey scones available, but these were days old and if they were to be eaten, they needed to be fresh.

The server left.

"How long should this take?"

"We have found an appropriate expert, secured the starting area well outside their territory, and have it under guard with several miners present, being paid to sit on their butts until the 'mancer hits payday."

"What is your expectation of time?"

"If we work consistently, we should reach the breach point in roughly six months."

"Are we ready for when we get to that point?"

"Yes. Arrangements have been made."

"And what happens if the team is discovered before then?"

"We have a few hired guards from a mercenary company, a few miners from a labor guild, and the only asset aware of what will happen will not arrive on site until 3 days prior. To all appearances, this is all as it seems."

"And the prize?"

"The plan is to take all 4 assets and exfil before discovery. If not, all agents will be disavowed."

"Good. Oh and Rees, don't muck this up."

"Understood. Suffer not the Alien."

"Suffer not the Alien."

Today's chapter is a short conversation between two people outside a tavern.

It is short.

It is critically important to the story.

To fill this chapter with fluff would be a disservice to both you and I.

Stay Boundless Friends! (or Suffer not the Alien, if you are one of the readers hoping for Haven's downfall ;-)

Srinlifecreators' thoughts