
Chapter 4.24 - As Strangers Pass

Seamus led his caravan along their trade route. With travelling merchants, there were two things valued beyond their merchandise. The first was the routes that were kept secret with their caravan leaders to quickly lead them safely between cities and nations. The second was the merchant seals given to the merchants to grant permission to move between different nations. Seamus only had a handful of seals, and having to give up three to appease Lord Serin was quite the cost. However, Seamus's caravan was the only trade caravan authorized into his nation, and in the short time his caravans had been visiting, he had made more wealth than any three of his previous years combined.

So while giving up three trade seals was quite the pain, it was better than having this golden city barred from him forever.

There was also the matter of the subcontract. Seamus had gotten cheap, and hired a single wagon that did not have any solid references. Normally, Seamus would never have blundered, but some fool had traded ten autocarts of sand for 1 cart of honey. Seamus didn't even remember his name, but his need for white beach sand had been adamant. To make the trade, Seamus had to outsource help. He should have split the shipments. Traders travelled much faster between nations, as it was a class skill.

Serin's original path was very fast for those who venture on foot, and originally took 6 months. However, Seamus was a trader. He knew that only about 100km of path had to be ventured from the nearest significant trade path. So while Serin's group may have averaged 2-3km a day, Seamus travelled much faster. Seamus had already invested in cutting in a trade path, which greatly cut down the time of travel. And since Seamus' carts were dual manned and they slept in shifts, their carts ran 24 hours a day.

It had been only a week since they left, and the trade groups had already branched off for the Grand Wood Alliance and Sarween Technocracy. Seamus personally lead his group towards the Northern Kingdoms. Their leader, paranoid of spies, often hassled the other trade caravans. Seamus was aware of this so he personally led this group. It didn't help his nerves that this time there were 2 spies in his wagon train.

And as if bad luck followed him, Seamus saw what he was worried him most. Just inside the borders of the Northern Kingdom, Seamus saw his worst fear, a military checkpoint.

To make matters worse, at the checkpoint, there was a military company, set for travel.

The first guard motioned to Seamus, "Trade Seal, manifest, and personnel roster please"

Seamus smiled, "Here is my trade seal. As you can see Magistrate Nesm vouches for my good conduct so i don't think this is necessary."

The guard stared at Seamus, "I don't care if the divines got off their clouds and said you were a good boy, I need your manifest and personnel roster."

Seamus smiled, "Of course. All adults are listed as per the law. Materials are listed by good type." Seamus handed him the manifest and roster.

The guard started walking and motioned for Seamus to follow, "This count has you at 24 adults but there are 13 caravans. Care to explain that?"

Seamus had to think, he started walking towards the changeling, "Oh that's just my daughter. She has not plated yet but is getting the hang of the road." Seamus made sure to speak loudly enough that he was sure that Sculp heard him. He saw a slight ripple under Sculp's heavy cloak.

The guard had his hand on a scattergun. "You there girl, show your face."

Sculp removed her hood. To Seamus' relief, the girl he saw did not look over 14. The guard relaxed. "Alright. This seems to be in order, however because of the manifest you will be taken for additional questions."

"That's quite alright boy, these people seem no harm." A voice called from towards the front of the caravan train. The guard looked and stiffened. Seamus didn't recognize the voice or the face, but he recognized the crest. The Desert Sons, a mercenary company known for raiding and pillaging foreign nations for the highest bidder.

"My name is Atta. Because your manifest shows very rare luxury goods, but does not list a location, we would like to know where so we can scout out the area." Atta unrolled a map that showed the nations and their surrounding area.

Seamus had heard of Atta. he was the leader of the Desert Sons. This wasn't in any way a request. And if Atta himself was coming, it meant that the entire Company was as well. Serin would need to be warned. In full view of Sculp, Seamus pointed out the exact location of the hidden city on the map Atta provided. "It is right there. Will there be sources of goods for our merchants to procure after you and your friends finish your scouting mission."

Atta smiled, "I highly doubt it. But as recompense for your lost trade, these fine folk won't stop your journey. I wish you good day, trader."

Seamus quickly got to his caravan and started the movement. He received a Message in his head,

'Trouble?' Sculp messaged.

'Very much so' Seamus replied.

'How many and how powerful?' Sculp asked.

'At least 200. All over level 50, experts in martial skil and firearms, and resistant to low and mid tier magics. They will be there to kill and plunder.'

'Understood, I will send a word. You did the right thing. They already knew our location, they were just seeing if you would side with us or them.' Sculp replied.

Seamus let out a sigh of relief.

'They know our trade route. Serin has two weeks maximum.'

As they continued past the checkpoint they saw the Desert Sons dressing in a Caravan identical to Seamus' caravan. It was then that their plan was apparent. They planned on using the disguise of a merchant caravan to come in. Sculp also saw.

'I will inform Serin of this. I will send a report once we are clear of the checkpoint and the two scouts tailing us.'

Seamus hadn't even noticed the scouts. It seemed that the Spies sent by Serin were very well versed in their task.


So I never know which characters may receive a spotlight moment. At this time, 5 people in my book are modeled after either fans or people that I talk to in real life.

This is an opportunity for anyone! The first way to get into my book is to be cool like Ale83, Sculp, and Nighmora and leave my book a review, make comments, and engage with me on it. I cannot promise a leading role, but the city-state is growing and most of its residents are unnamed. I can, at the very least, immortalize you in an excel spreadsheet of names, and give you a cool shout out inside the story.

The only other way to get into my book is come ride with me for an hour as we leave the safety of our hotel and drive to the middle of the Egyptian desert. XD

As always,

Stay Boundless friends.

Srinlifecreators' thoughts