
Chapter 4.19 - Shifting States

The shift in the dungeon's environment would not have been as noticeable on the lower floors, but on floor 31, it was very apparent. In lieu of the normal large and physically violent monsters on the floor, this dungeon's enemies were extremely magical. They fought not with force of arms but with spells. Serin smirked. He had been using defensive magics for so long that lower level spells bounced off or were absorbed by his shields. These spells, although stronger than low level spells, were not enough to break his magical resistance, only lower his mana with each hit.

The enemies, although also strong against magic, were no match to the force of arms. Serin used the first 6 floors for practice with his pistol. He was still clumsy with pistols, and his [Gunslinger] skill was low, but this is how he would improve. And due to the high level of the creatures he faced, he was able to quickly improve the skill.

For the remaining floors to level 39, Serin switched to his bolter. The targets on these levels were a bit more physically resistant to the bullets in Serin's pistols. His rounds, made of iron, were good against weaker creatures, but the magical shields after level 35 were able to withstand a bullet or two. Had Serin loaded silvered rounds, the shields would have been quickly overcome. Instead, Serin switched to the bolter, which overcame the enemies' own shields with overwhelming force.

At the 40th level, Serin smirked. There, reading in a small pavilion, was an elder lich. Same pallor, same dark eyes, but with a different haircut. While Lord Koni's hair was combed neatly back, this Lich's hair was cut short, similar to the military hairstyles Serin had seen in the Northern Kingdoms. The rest of the group was startled, as they knew what it was. Lord Koni was chained to the Will of Serin, but in front of them was a Lich, subject to its own will alone.

Serin looked at his bag of magical essence. It was not as full as it was the last time he bound a lich to his service, but then again, that was before Serin's achievement of 'Undead Mastery', before he increased his mana pool so steeply, and before he learned to pull excess mana from the world around him. Serin smirked, and with a single word, bound another Elder Lich into his service.



Serin was both surprised and confused by what happened. Serin's magic dropped to almost empty but still had a bit of reserve, his undead thrall count went from 1 to 2, the floor was considered 'cleared' as the gates up and down opened, and the Lich looked up in a smile. "I was not expecting that. But this defeat is one I will gladly accept."

Serin looked at the Lich, "You can speak? Where do you come from?"

The Lich bowed, "I am Resolute Light, of the Enduring Sun, Lord of Twilight, and Conqueror of the Great Bickor Labyrinth."

Serin looked, "I have never heard of any of that. But that is a long name. How about Lord Rezzi?"

The Lich smiled, "as my master wishes. Since I am your thrall, do you intend on letting me leave this limbo? I tire of so many deaths I cannot remember."

Serin stood confused, "Do you remember how you got here? And what of your time here."

Lord Rezzi smiled, "I remember my life and my unlife, as well as my death. I was enjoying my solitude in a Necropolis bordering between the countries of the Jarris people, Atlas and Barth. It was there that the two nations fought for territory. Both attempted to buy my favor with their dead, but I was not swayed. I chose instead to defend my necropolis and its territory from all interlopers." Lord Rezzi then rolled his eyes, "Had I known that they would have signed an armistice to first remove me from the battlefield and split my territory, I would have chosen a side. My indecision was my fall, and I woke up here. You arrived what seems to be shortly after I got settled in, although I know this to be untrue."

Serin looked confused, "How do you know this to be untrue?" Lord Rezzi smiled, "You see, there are some rules of magic that not even a world can break, and I know a very special spell, one that lets me see all of the wounds I have ever been given. Since I know which ones I sustained before coming here, I know the rest of them were after my arrival."

With that Lord Rezzi cast a spell, and thin lines of darkness crisscrossed his body. Larger lines seemed to indicate multiple wounds, and it seemed he had been but apart, blasted, and smashed several dozen times.

Serin looked confused and thought to himself, 'do the creatures here come back after death? Do the stocks of enemies come from these worlds? I have never heard of the Jarris people, nor have I heard of Atlas or Barth'

Serin and the rest of the group had made their decision. Serin smiled, "I will agree to go up at this level, but I once again reserve the right to be the first one to go past 40."

The group nodded. Although Serin was looking fine, albeit with a diminished mana pool, the rest of the group was looking tired from sleeping in winter-like areas. Serin would have to look into a magic solution to create a camp in such an inhospitable area. But for now, the group was ready to head up. Plus, Serin was excited to see what was in these books, as all around where the Lich stood there were stacks and stacks of books on various subjects, several of which Serin could tell were spell books.


As the group left the dungeon, as usual there was a group cheering their return. Serin's group was always the group to go farthest, so people were excited for what came down from the farthest levels.

Serin saw that the giant's flesh he had recovered had already been distributed to the changeling population. He wanted to make sure that this was done as soon as possible. It was quite a bit of meat that was recovered, so there was enough to ensure that every single changeling, including the younglings, was given a piece, just like the other boss creatures that Serin had slew and recovered.

However when he came through this time the look on Bilol's face spoke of some issues. "We need to talk, Lord Serin. There have been a few incidents while you were in the dungeon."

Serin looked. "No one attempted to enter the dungeon while we were testing did they?"

Bilol shook his head, "No, but there is an issue that needs your attention."


Greetings! I am publishing early because at my (relatively) normal publishing time, I will be in the air, headed for Paris (well, CDG airport. As an American, I cannot step foot in Europe during COVID)

Thanks to all my readers. If you are reading this far, know that there are hundreds of townsfolk waiting to be named. How do you get immortalized in my book? Simple. Like the book, write a review (positive I hope), and engage with me as the author. I will write you in and who knows if your part will be big or small? I sure don't, and I'm the Author!. Special thanks for Ale83, Nighmora, and Sculp. You show up in Chapter 4.22 ;-)

As always, Stay Boundless friends.

Srinlifecreators' thoughts