
Chapter 4.15 - Perk Stone

The process of cataloging the entire cart of supplies from the twenty levels they delved had taken almost a day. Serin requested experts from around town to help him identify, catalog, and evaluate everything for use. Each level provided various plant species, minerals, metals, and sometimes baby animals like woolies or silkworms. A large portion had already been delved before but much of it had never been seen. The highlights were the perma-ice, serpent's skin, and the locked chest from level 10.

Once materials were sorted and evaluated, the first thing Serin did was deliver the serpent's skin to the tamers. Besides being experts in working with animals, Timot and Farrah were each experts in leatherwork, and had assisted Ephraim in working with the dragon scales for armor. If anyone could cure this material so it retained its properties, it would be them. Serin made a standing agreement to pay them 20% in materials or monetary equivalent for any processing they did for him. He took the 20% materials deal, because there was no material like this on the market.

There was only about 30kg of the perma-ice, so while it was novel in its properties, Serin could not figure out a revolutionary use for it. So with the supply he had, he wanted to see if it could be used for cold storage of materials. Serin had 2 rooms for food storage in his home. He wanted to see if he could create one that kept a much lower temperature, so for now he spread out the ice in the room.

As for the chest, everyone wanted to know what was in it. Serin had called the guides over for an unboxing party, and since the next expedition wasn't for a few hours, They all came over.

Serin cracked the case. Out poured small bricks of various precious metals: gold, silver, mithril, and adamantine. But what really caught Serin's eyes was a unique rune stone. Serin used his [Study] skill.

Perk Stone (Rare) - Homunculus: Upon consumption, this stone grants the user with the ability to create Homunculus.

Serin immediately grabbed and used the stone, shattering it in his had. As it crumbled to dust, there was a rush of information into his head. Schematics, Magical glyphs, material concepts, Serin instantly sat on the floor as the rush made him dizzy. He looked at the the group of puzzled faces surrounding him, and Serin said the next words with a feeling of foreboding.

"Call the representatives."


Serin knew that what he had found would shift how the city was run, so with the discovery of a Runestone as the level 10 reward, Serin began an emergency meeting.

"I know that there are many treasures to be found in the dungeon. And I truly believe that the goods gained from those that take on these dangerous expeditions are the spoils of those that earned it. However," Serin paused. "Some goods are to be declared state secrets, and unavailable for sale.

The representatives began murmuring. Serin waited until their murmurs stopped before he continued. "There are instances where this practice is already in place for economical reasons. For instance, Peter's beehives. The honey can be sold to traders without issue, but if they ever got their hands on the methods for creating honey, the value would plummet. The same with the dye powder he makes from the Cochineal beetles. Peter knows this. So he does not offer his insects for sale, except for sport to the changelings."

Serin continued, "Today when I opened the crate from the 10th level, besides being filled with the precious metals you see here, there was a stone. It granted me the power to create new Homunculus."

This was quite the stir. Gasps and discussion was heard, as Homunculus, albeit not that valuable, were quite rare, belonging only to the wealthiest of businesses or boldest adventurers. This was because all of the homunculus that have ever been created were done so by either the divines or the two or three master level mages who acquired the skill through secret means.

The fact that anyone strong enough to pass level 10 of the dungeon could be granted this ability would shake their world.

Serin continued, "You can imagine if this got out we would lose quite the economical advantage. But this is not what i fear the most."

Serin took a breath, "The Serpent's skin from the boss monster on the 20th floor was able to withstand several blows from a high speed adamantine projectile, and was near immune to lower power spells. This skin is as thin as a doe's stretched leather. Turned into armor it would be light as wool and strong as plate armor. I fully agree that any group powerful enough to get to level 20 would be given the right to this armor, but I ask the council's opinion on restricting sale of these materials to only citizens of our nation. A creature with this armor was able to withstand the most powerful weapon I can create without immense magical expenditure. Imagine if an army wielding this armor came to our doorstep."

There was discussion. Serin wanted buy in from his representatives, but was not above making a decree. He did not believe in ruling with an iron fist, but his [precognition] began warning him the moment he took the stone. With that, The counselors nodded.

"The council agrees with you, Lord Serin. How shall we proceed?"

Serin grinned, "Every item coming out of the dungeon is already inspected for the fee. We will use a group of experts to determine what items can be sold to outsiders. For instance the gold-dust mushrooms i recommend not be sold, but the gold, melted down into pebbles and ingots can be sold."

This created murmurs of approval. Serin then looked. "And of course certain items, such as magical runestones and ultra-rare materials will be restricted from even showing to outsiders. This will be done on a case by case basis."

That night, the representatives met with their peoples, and the newest decree was formed. "Secrets of the Dungeon are not shared with outsiders."


Serin's perma-ice experiment was not as effective as he wanted. Between each guide's delve, Serin made adjustments. After four other Delves, Serin figured out how to effectively use the ice. Using his crafting tools, Serin cut them into very thin sheets. This allowed for him to affix the ice in a mosaic along the walls, ceiling, and inside of the door. Serin started with the door, and it drastically lowered the temperature. When he finished all the walls, it was complete and Serin had a literal icebox for keeping food chilled. Most effectively, it could be used for keeping Serin's private casks of mead chilled.

By the time Serin finished the ice-box, all of the guides had delved. Serin was impressed by their progress.

The highest was Jericho who had made it to level 13 of the Desert Biome and called it quits after that. Olma took on the jungle biome and made it to level 11, but the group had to step in due to an ambush plant that Olma could not defeat. Allister and Rachel each made it to level 10, but against the boss monsters of their biomes, they needed help. Rachel was an ambush hunter and Allister had no undead army to rely on. Mast and Flick both stopped at 9, making them even with Allister and Rachel. The remaining guides made it to level 6-8.

In All it was very successful, and for the first few days, the guides were very busy. When Serin wasn't working on homunculi, he was guiding. Each time he was called to guide for his biome, he would take the group down with an additional cart until it was no longer safe for that group to continue, then he would send them up and continue on his own. Serin was confident of the obstacles and creatures of the biome he had initially chosen, and to ensure he did not break his own rule, he still stopped at level 20.

The first few times Serin would gain multiple levels by going down to level 20, but eventually he would only gain a level with the large burst of experience gained from fighting the level 20 boss, and eventually even that stopped granting him experience.

Serin also redesigned his scattergun. It still used closely packed ball bearings, but Serin put a copper plate behind the ball bearings and changed the blastrock to the Propel firing pin. The better fit the firing mechanism, Serin had to change it from two barrels to one, but was able to use the original space of the second barrel underneath to create a five round magazine.

Using his new scattergun, it took only two shots to kill the giant serpent on Level 20 of the dungeon. Serin noted that something strange happened to the copper plate piece when it was fired at such a speed and it pierced straight through the Serpent's scaly hide.

Serin used these expeditions to refine his individual fighting style. In this moment, he was at peace with his progress.


Hey there readers! Hope you enjoyed another chapter. I would like to thank all of you, especially Ale83.

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Stay Boundless friends.

Srinlifecreators' thoughts