
Chapter 3.4 - Culture Shock

Tomorrow, the great cleansing would be complete. Adults curled, awaiting their end as younglings sat crying in a small corner. Bilol stood watching the sunset. He knew they were most likely the last of their kind. They were the last of any kind other than those accursed high elves.

For years, the high elves of Enar had slowly eroded the rights of Bilol's people. He had watched as his people went from secondary citizens, to slaves, to undesirables. About two months ago the grand abbot declared that it was the will of the gods that all of Bilol's people, the changelings, be exterminated. Bilol had tried to get his group to survive by hiding in the woods, and this had lasted for nearly a year. But all he had managed to do was to delay the inevitable. Bilol and his people were eventually captured and sent to the camps.

Bilol was aware he was the last group. There was to be a great celebration after the great burning tomorrow at Sunrise. It had been announced throughout the capital of Enari. Bilol's people were kept healthy, so that none would die prior to the execution. The guards took some sick pleasure in letting Bilol's people know of their inevitable demise.

Bilol looked around. There were only about one hundred of his people left. All gathered here. Most of them were young. A few older adults. No elders among them. The elders were the first killed. It was one of the first decrees to curb their existence. Kill the elders, and ban written language for Bilol's people. It was done when Bilol was a very small child. So few of the old ways were remembered. Bilol knew of a few of the old traditions. He had kept the teachings of his parents close to his heart. But he was one of the few. Their ways were eroded, as their people were a shell of their former selves.

The sun was finally setting. Bilol chose not to focus on his impending death, instead he would leave this land with memories of his people. He saw in the distance the pyres of the burn pits begin to light. They would ensure the heat was extremely high, so when Bilol's people were cast into the fiery pit their deaths would be instant. The grand abbot called it "the last great mercy". As the fires grew steadily into view of the rest of those in the holding pen, a few of the young began to cry. The sound of trumpets and drums began. Soon they would be collected. Soon their people would cease, and the land of Enar would have been purged of all but the high elves.

As Bilol thought of his fate, he felt shivers in his spine. The tingle of great magic was at work nearby. As a changeling he was not as sensitive to magic as the elves, so it must be powerful magic being cast very close by. Some flashing and sparking magic began to form in the middle of the holding pen. 'What trickery is this? What vile punishment awaits us? Are we to suffer before our people's light is extinguished?' Bilol knew not.

And with that a gate opened in the middle of the holding pen. On the other side, Bilol could see warm and smiling faces, and the unmistakable aroma of cooked meat was wafted on the air.

Bilol roused everyone. "Quickly everyone! Someone is trying to rescue us! This is our chance!" The other prisoners were confused. "What if it's a trick?"

Bilol countered, "What is the worst it could be? Death and our people's end await us here. Through there may be salvation."

Bilol went through first. His people saw him on the other side. Bilol looked in wonder. It was earlier in the evening here, and there were no elves to be seen. It was mostly a small town with strange looking people smiling at him. One greeted him in his own language.

"Welcome. You are safe here."

When he determined it wasn't a trick, he looked back through the portal at his people, and gave the gesture for peace. His people came through, hesitant at first, but a trickle soon turned into a steady stream as they fled their fate.

Serin awaited on the other side, and helped funnel people through. They looked haggard and beaten, a little sickly, but no medical emergencies could be seen. They had their basic medical needs taken care of but the unmistakable scars, bruises, and scraps of collars could be seen on their necks.

Serin kept helping them through and as they came through one of the newcomers shouted "The Guards are coming!"

Serin kept helping them through. He was determined to save as many as he could. They were flooding through the small gate now. Serin could see their numbers on the other side being bunched up.

Serin watched as the last of them were coming through. A young girl was the last to come through but stopped halfway through the gate. She was being pulled back. The person pulling her back in gave her shock, and Serin saw unmistakable terror in her eyes. "Please, helm me!"

One of the guards was trying to pull her back through the gate. Serin could see what they ran from. The guard was a lithe frame, but the magics of his armor told Serin they enhanced his strength. And although he had a scowl of pure disdain on his face, Serin could tell that the guard was of a physically beautiful people. Still, he was attempting to pull this young girl back, and there were tears streaming from her face as she screamed and tried to break free.

The gate was starting to close. Serin did not know what would happen if the young girl was stuck in the gate when he closed. Serin did not think, and in a moment of action Serin rushed over and grabbed the young girl and pulled her close to him. With his other hand he readied his rifle and sent enough magic at the end of it to give off a dangerous amount of energy, enough to cause the guard to pause. Then he pointed his readied rifle point blank through the gate at the guard. The guard, not wanting to be incinerated by immense magic, let go. He stared at Serin and spit in disgust, then made a motion dragging his thumb across his neck. The young girl crumpled against Serin as he held her close, keeping his weapon leveled at the guard until the gate closed. She kept whimpering and saying 'Thank you." between her tears.

Serin sent a smile and a wink at the guard right before he fell out of sight.

Serin looked around. Everyone was sort of worried. The Demis were handing out blankets, but had no way to communicate, as Serin had not shared his secret gift. Being spawned goods the blankets would only last two days but that would be enough to find new clothes for them.

Serin saw that the refugees were scared, so he overcast his [calm] spell. As they calmed, Serin truely took in these new strange people. They were smaller than the average human, standing at 1.5 meters. Their hair and they eyes were black as night, while their skin was as white as porcelain. It was eerie to see, but Serin did see their reactions conveyed the universal emotions all plated carried.

Serin then began to speak. "Everything is fine. You are safe here. This is a refuge from the dangers of your past life. You have no need for your fears following you here, and if you choose to stay in our town your new life starts this evening." Serin then motioned to the table. "We have prepared food from our gardens, farms, and our hunts. When you tire and after a good bath, there are warm beds available in the bunkhouse" Serin looked at the number. It was much more than expected. "We weren't expecting quite so many. So you may have to share beds."

Even with the overcasting of the [Calm] spell, most of his people were scared still a bit worried. Bilol who was the de facto leader of his group, spoke to Serin. "It is ok, young master. Most of us have slept on cold floors our entire lives. We are grateful just to be alive."

Serin smiled. "I am no man's master here. Slavery here is outlawed. My name is Serin and I am the leader of this town."

Bilol blinked. Serin continued. "Have no fear, we will have a meeting in the morning. For now, eat, sleep, rest, and take time to reorient yourselves." Serin pointed to the bunkhouse. "There you will find roughly 40 beds. Any are welcome to sleep by the fire in the kitchen. And if anyone is still hungry, Lord Koni will be available tonight to prepare more food." Serin waived over to Lord Koni, who smiled and waved back."


Serin had worked throughout the night to try and meet the needs of the additional refugees. He was not expecting so many. He had also requested that the farmers and weavers work overtime to produce cotton and weave it into blankets and simple clothes. Serin asked Rachel and Allister to use their power to feed Magic into the farmers so they could grow faster. The farmers could let nature dictate the speed of growth, but with magic it could grow normal quality goods in almost no time. Serin worked with Lord Koni to prepare food for the next day. Lord Koni was usually stuck on kitchen duty when they held banquets. But until the refugees could gather, grow, and prepare food for themselves, he would be stuck in permanent kitchen duty. Serin was hoping that one or two of the new people knew how to cook.

When the Sun rose, the Demis that had volunteered received their reward directly from Serin. Strangely enough, the Farmers and the weavers had the same request. They requested small private baths to be built in their homes. Since hot and cold water was already run to their homes, Serin would be able to complete this in about an hour. But he held off on completion while he prepared for Orientation.

The newest refugees came in, and they looked much better. Serin could understand that they were apprehensive, but not frightened like before. They were alien in look, but not in an unattractive way. Serin saw that when he looked at them directly, he may seem frightening, so he instead retracted most of his magic to dull his presence.

Near the gathering square Serin had built, Serin stood excited. He now met the population prerequisite for an Adventurer's guild. He still needed 6 people to complete registration of the adventurer's guild, but he knew it would take time. He had seen some of the tasks the adventurer's guild signup box required when there were not any available enemies to hunt. One of the farmers had to learn and cast [Greater Recovery] on a rock. Lady Eris had to raise one combat skill to Intermediate level. She was not equipped with any combat skills, so she made sure that the younglings under her care were given combat training once a week. And she trained alongside them.

Serin brought his thoughts back to the present. He had asked that The Demis representatives join him at the orientation.

As the newcomers gathered, Serin began to address them. "Good morning everyone. Welcome to our town. Feel free to grab something to eat from the food prepared by Lord Koni. We will begin going over orientation." Serin noticed that, without fail, every member made sure to take a piece of meat, and left enough that everyone had food. 'They are used to caring for their own.' Serin thought.

After last time, Serin had practiced his presentation, he had even planned out various minor Illusions for his presentation. Although it was a novice spell, it was only limited by the imagination of its caster.

Serin brought up a display of the town. "You are currently here, in my Town. It does not have a name yet." Serin changed the view to show his town but on a regional scale. "This town is the only one within my nation, which also does not have a name yet. Our land is called Hidden Jewel, but that name is older than the town or nation."

Serin then zoomed out his display again to the continent. This map was as much truth as specilation as no true map of the continent existed, but Serin had a pinpoint where he was sure his town was located. It also showed the general territory outlines of the competing nations. "This is the known continent of Terra, and the various other more developed nations that exist." Serin then switched the illusion and it showed a depiction of humans. "The race that inhabits this world is called 'human'. In my town there are four humans. Outside of this town there are no known other races."

Serin then turned his map into a globe. "This is the entire planet. Most of it is unknown."

Serin then continued, "My town is a safe haven for refugees. The Divines have blessed our nation with the power to pull people in dire need from their current place and give them a home here."

Serin then brought up a map on a globe as described by Elder Merrin. "This is the world the Demis came from. When they came here, their empire was being swallowed by a dark magic called the 'chasing plague'." Serin changed the display to show the Demis people. "To their knowledge, the Demis were the only people in their world as well." Serin then brought the two worlds together. "Through comparing knowledge we have learned that it is impossible for our two lands to be on the same planet. The same is probably true for you as well."

The newcomers were surprised, Serin continued. "I tell you this so that you know, the horror that you ran from, it will not find you here. We are still developing the laws of this land. But the first law is immediate. There are no Slaves. All citizens are guaranteed the right to lead their life. All citizens are guaranteed a right to their own labor. And serving as a protector of the nation is voluntary."

The newcomers perked up. Bilol spoke for his people. "You mean we are granted the right to hunt?"

Serin was confused. "There are many dangers of this world. If you wish to contract to become a protector of the realm you are welcome to. You can also just join the adventurer's guild, which will give you quests to hunt. Although working as an adventurer is dangerous work, it earns quite a bit."

Bilol looked even more excited. "As a protector of the realm, are we given right to anything we take in battle?"

Serin was unsure of his reasoning, "You are given the right to claim spoils of those that you kill, such as their sword or their armor."

Bilol interjected, "And their body?"

Serin wanted to make sure the ethics he knew to be right were stated clearly. "You cannot violate the unwilling that you have defeated in combat. Any who surrender are to be cared for until they can be repatriated back to their home country or executed depending on the circumstance."

Bilol's face grew in shock as he thought about what Serin said. He composed and spoke with relief as he knew he could end the confusion. "We do not wish to enslave or violate the living. However we would like to eat the dead."

Serin froze. They are cannibals.

Serin then grinned, "I don't see an issue. I do want to ask why."

Bilol smiled, "for their power, of course. Our people do not grow our power as quickly as the other races, however we can take power by those we fell in combat."

Serin then blinked. "Do you mind if I see your plate?"

Bilol then looked. Serin had a mark for his plate just as as him. Bilol then smiled, "Of course Master."

Serin would have to remind him that he was not their master. But now wasn't the time. Serin reviewed Bilol's stats. They were all very low, much lower for his level than expected. Serin saw that Bilol's class was 'Underdeveloped'.

Then Serin saw the Racial power.

[Absorb: As you consume the flesh of new creatures, you gain increases to stats based on the creature's level when compared to your own. This increase is best if the user defeats the creature himself. Based on your luck, you may also gain the powers, perks, spells, or skills of that creature.]

Serin was about to comment, and then he saw the other racial power.

[Those that Change: The user can change their physical appearance to that of any humanoid at any time at will. This exhausts stamina to maintain.]

Serin then blinked. "I see. That racial skill is something unheard of in this land. You are welcome to the dead spoils of course. In fact, you are welcome to the dead of any that give you the right to their corpse upon death."

The newcomers were excited. Serin continued. "It says that your people are known as 'Those that change'. What does that mean?"

And with that, Bilol changed his appearance to that of Allister. He had noticeable effort, as if he was climbing a hill, he then changed back.

Everyone stood shocked. Serin was the first to speak. "That is quite the ability. What is it that your people are called?"

Bilol looked, "We were once referred to as Changelings when we were one of the equal races, hundreds of years ago. Before our power came under penalty of death. Before the grand abbot and the church or purity. Before the high elves conducted their grand plan to sterilize the world of all other races."

Serin knew this might be an issue. So he looked at his counsel. "I have decided on our second great law. All races that the divines have graced with a plate are equal in this nation. The changelings, nor any plated race, will never have to fear extermination just because they are different."

Serin adopted their old name, and Bilol beamed with pride.

Serin then looked at them. "You are not required to become citizens. You can choose, if you wish, to leave today. But if you stay you will be granted citizenship. And we will do our best to help you fit into a new life."

They all stood. Bilol spoke for his people "We see here a bright future for our people. You, master, pulled us from our destined misery. I believe I speak for everyone, but not only do we wish to all join your nation, but we wish to volunteer for both the adventurer's guild as well as to become protectors of the realm."

This perked Serin right up. This will get the ball rolling.

Serin then looked at them and smiled. Serin went through one by one and Naturalized all of them to his nation. He noticed that they held deep scars from slave collars. After asking permission, Serin used regenerate and removed these scars, as well as all scars from their endured hardships.

Afterwards, he asked for three of them to volunteer as representatives of the changeling people in government. Bilol stood up, as well as two other older changelings named Dana and Ona. At this time, Lady Eris began to collect the few Changeling younglings and explained that they were moving to the Dormitories. Bilol and the others looked nervous.

Serin started to explain, "Here, Younglings who have not plated, regardless of age, are taken to a place where they can learn various skills and magics they have aptitude for. Children are the future, and by having them train together it fosters future cohesion between the races." The changelings grew calmer. Bilol asked, "Will they learn to read and write?" Serin smiled. "Yes. I have worked with Lady Eris, and we are providing lessons on our nation's language. All students are required to learn it, as when we interact with those not of our nation, or of different races, there is a common language between them." Serin was sure that some of the adults were saddened. "Can we join lessons as well?" Serin didn't know how to absorb this. These people were never given the ability to read and write. Serin looked to his counsel. "Yes, and for now we can teach your people the [comprehend languages] spell. This will act as a stopgap until you can learn the language of this nation."

As Lady Eris began to lead them away, one of the changelings turned back.

The oldest of the children, the one who Serin personally saved through the portal, the girl who must be on the cusp of a plate, ran over to and latched onto Serin and kissed him. "Thank you. I will find a way to repay to." she whispered into his ear. Tears streamed down her face and a light tan hue could be seen on her pale white cheeks.

As she ran back to the others, Serin looked at Bilol, "What was that about?"

Bilol and the others changelings chuckled. "That was one of our younglings, Olma. It seems she has claimed you."

Serin grew nervous. "What do you mean by that?"

Bilol just smiled and shook his head. "When a female changeling finds a desirable partner, she will go and plant a kiss on his cheek."

Serin, looked abashed. "I did not plan on taking a partner yet. And she is not plated, which is the sign of adulthood here."

Bilol chuckled. "Changelings are of the same belief of adulthood. She is almost an adult so she feels she has earned the right to claim you."

Serin then said, "Yes, but deciding who you will spend the rest of your life with is a serious decision, one that should not be rushed."

Bilol looked, then nodded. "You must be like the elves or others of our old home, taking one partner for life. This is not really how changelings function. As for partners, before the great segregation, Changelings were known to be involved in relations with many species. It was common for a changeling to be in a household, or part of an adventuring party. You see, Changelings have difficulty reproducing with others outside their race."

Serin then asked, "So how is this not a proposal for partnership?"

Bilol and the others chuckled. "She only claimed you to the other changelings. She doesn't care who else you bring into your family, only that she will be a part of it. Since any children that you have with her will be changelings, not human. It is standard for females of our species to find mates of other species. I am surprised you were not solicited in the middle of the evening, as your power permeates from you, and it is well understood that the more powerful the mate, the more powerful the child."

Serin could see this line of thinking could get more complicated. "Alright we'll table that discussion for later. I have no intention to discuss who I am mated with, especially in a room full of other people. Bilol, please work with Elder Merrin to document your people, your practices, and your customs and rituals. That way we can avoid confusing social faux pas in the future."

Bilol and the other changelings were still grinning. Serin then asked. "Is there something I missed?"

The changelings laughed. Bilol answered, "You might be in a quandary master Serin. As per tradition, because you did not stop her from planting that kiss, you affirmed you had no other changelings in your household. It was the equivalent of accepting her proposal."

Although Serin was immune to brainburn, he felt as if he was about to experience one.


This is the first of a mass drop. I am not sure if anyone reads my bood, but the first person to do so and likes the story, send me a character idea, and I can try to weave you into it.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Srinlifecreators' thoughts