
Chapter 1054: Mortal Returning Pellet

The smell of floral fragrance, the comfort of heat, the softness of the flesh, the sensation of feeling the pulse of another, and the quivers of determination, Wei Wuyin experienced it all as Cao Cuifen leaned in and placed her lips on his. 


The world went silent and the air stilled. Liu Suyin's current expression was extremely colorful, sweeping aside any hint of her foundational indifference. If anyone who knew her personality were to see this scene, they would find it extremely surreal and unimaginable, as if it was a flaw in the heavens law. 

The time was short, merely three seconds of heated contact, yet it felt as if it lasted for minutes, if not hours. Perhaps it was the internal want to experience it for longer that caused such a drastic difference in perception and reality. When Cao Cuifen pulled away, her face lightly flushing with a pale pink, her eyes betraying her intentions of seduction, Wei Wuyin found himself in a daze.
