

Cert's dead body sprawled onto the ground his lower end gaping as its flesh grounded to mince by the sadistic Lilith. As she heaved a sigh.

'Ahh, what a nice day this is.' She felt good about violating the pride of a man she didn't even know. She stretched her back and wiped her sweat after using too much MP.

'Summoning Vines and Thorns is still more exhausting than manipulating nature directly. Lilith sighed. She now had 700 MAG stats. Her current stats are oddly filled out as if it was trying to get the max stats of this form.

[Lilith Qurenara]

Tri Horn Apostle

STR: 117 + 83 = 200

DEF: 122 + 28 = 150

VIT: 500

AGT: 122 + 78 = 200

MAG: 487 + 213 = 700

PER: 142 + 58 = 200

Lilith's Mag had already reached 700 points, which is not surprising as she had been pouring her free points on MAG ever since she was a One Horn. Her MAG stats reaching 700 points is her reward.

The Tri Horn Apostle was not a natural evolution process but a variant of a variant.

It's an evolution inception.

Lilith was growing stronger, and it was not only her stats but also her attributes and skills.

Attribute: Blaze (A), Storm (A), Greater Earth (A), Nature Creation (SS), Solar (A)

Passive Skills: Strong Vitality (A), Mana Manipulation (A), Spell Casting (A), Penta Elementalist (S), Blaze Manipulation (A), Storm Manipulation (A), Greater Earth Manipulation (A), Nature Creatopm Manipulation (SS), Nature's Blessing (S), Solar Manipulation (A)

Active Skills: Blaze Blitz (400 MP) (A), StormShield (200 MP) (D), Steal (500 MP) (A), Titan Weight (1000 MP) (A), Greater Earth Wall (700 MP) (A), Thorn Whip (600 MP) (S), Nature's Beauty (100,000 MP) (SSS), Earth's Grace (500 MP) (A), Solar Healing (1500 MP) (A)

This was just her Tri Horn Apostle form alone, and if the idea of her stats being imbalanced, it doesn't matter because her efforts were bearing fruit.

Tribulation Leopard

STR: 183 + 217 = 400

DEF: 93 + 107 = 200

VIT: 500

AGT: 223 + 277 = 500

MAG: 143 + 57 = 200

PER: 98 + 102 = 200

Cursed Purgatory Dragon

STR: 103 + 47 = 150

DEF: 333 + 267 = 600

VIT: 500

AGT:129 + 71 = 200

MAG: 164 + 36 = 200

PER: 139 + 61 = 200

Just like the Tri Horn Apostle, every other form has its own specialty. The Tri Horn Apostle specializes in magic, the Tribulation Leopard in physical ability, and the Cursed Purgatory Dragon its defense.

Back then, Lilith couldn't hold her head high in front of her followers, but now, things have changed.

She was the leader but her followers are more terrifying than her, she's the support while the other two are her spearhead.

The other controls death, while the other controls space. Those two have an even better and more exciting backstory than her. The other has a complicated revenge story while the other Lilith was too mysterious to make out. It was a mess in terms of who's more fitting to be the leader. But like always, one could only sigh at such a thing and live one's own life instead of getting envious of others.

She wants them to grow stronger, and she knows they will surpass her soon enough, but, Lilith wish that her pride as a leader will be spared once that happens. She's currently standing on the top of their hierarchy, but, if there's a chance that it will be flipped.

'Well, those things would happen sooner or later. We'll see how it turns out.'

She's growing stronger by the day, and when the time comes when she marches to the mainland of human society, and take her own revenge, Lilith would have achieved her goals.

'Oh hey, I also have a revenge story. And considering how Dhampy shows signs of being a human before this…' Lilith realized that even her own so-called unique characteristics overlap with her followers.

They mirrored one another.

As Lilith lamented the beauty of her character in the world of daemons, Eve's reverence echoed inside the cave.

"He talked real clearly, after what you did Priestess, what is that called?"

Lilith turned to Eve and in a serious expression, she spoke.

"It's called the Fifth Base. It's the fifth-tier of my nine-tiered interrogation techniques!"

"You mean to say there's something even more amazing than the Fifth Base?"

"Yes, the sixth tier, for men it is known as the Purger and for the women, it is the Crawler."

"It's even designated by gender? How amazing."

Lilith talked some more and Eve was in awe of her prowess of interrogation. Eve was impressed, as she should be.

Lilith walked away from the unnamed cave with valuable information at hand. She shook her head and stopped thinking about her current social status and began looking at the big picture.

According to the Continental Hunter who was really cooperative in giving out information, Lilith managed to extract most of the Hunter Association's Agenda and secrets.

There were three things he mentioned that attracted Lilith's attention.

First: find a Vampire-Lord named Ecrastia.

Second: find the lost hunter Kristina.

Third: take over the Forest of Beast, to get to the unclaimed middle-section.

What's in the middle section? Lilith doesn't know.

'In the end, their agendas boil down to finding something one way or the other. They could've just headed to the middle-section, without warring with the other daemons but they chose to build a base on the Neutral Area of Section 6 and Section 7.

'This could only mean two things, either there's something in the Neutral Area or they are preparing for something huge that needs the death of all daemons.'

However, Lilith does not know their whole plan yet so, she chose to focus on the conquest of the Hunters.

Thankfully, she now had a way to fight them.

In her hands was a Hunter Network Phone or otherwise known as HNP.

It's an impressive piece of technology able to connect directly to the Hunter Association's database and considering Cert was a member of the operation, he obviously received information from them.

In simpler terms, Lilith had the ability to spy on them without having to send a single personnel.

At the moment, Section 8 that was beside Section 4 was the next in line to be destroyed.

Lilith laughed as she turned to Eve.

"Eve, go with Chief and half of the Epic-tiers to the Neutral Area of Section 8 and 4. There should be daemons wanting to seek refuge."

Eve nodded her head.

"What about you Priestess, are you going somewhere?"

"Yes, I'm going to create the strongest army in this Forest."

Lilith transformed into a Tribulation Leopard and disappeared into the night. She already had the ability to spy on her enemies, planning would come for later, her main problem lies in forming an even stronger force.

However, she would not use that force to save the Forest of Beast, oh no, her plan was not to be a magnificent war hero but to become a scavenger.

She plans on letting the humans take over everything other than her territory, letting them spread while taking care of the other daemons.

In short, borrowing the blade of her enemy to slay her competition to domination

Let's be real, if Lilith wasn't the MC and the MC is a human most of you guys would be screaming to kill her, because quite frankly she's an asshole XD

I just want to say that because I can't say that in the main story

Simple_Dynastycreators' thoughts