


After they tried and failed, they didn't learn their lesson and tried using armed personnel to remove one of my workers while he was going 'Home'.

This 'Home' was a building where they all were getting daily checks and played a role of a living human. Doing groceries, or ordering delivery, walking around the city, using internet for different things.

It was just a necessary precaution, as it would be suspicious if any of my employees would just work nonstop without problems. Especially in a world with internet.

So, when one of them was walking on a street, right after doing groceries, they used armed police and apprehended him as a dangerous individual.

After that, right when they decided to use garbage shredder to kill my employee, the aforementioned employee decided to stop them and any possible leak of information about it, destroying itself in a spectacular EXPLOSION, alerting everyone around and creating another news article.

As for the faker, I allowed him to get inside the building, where I was already waiting for him.


They are androids. They can easily notify me about any emergency situation, and warping inside one of the buildings full of my androids is easy, as it had it's own pylon inside, providing energy for it.

" Hello mr. Smith. " I said to the man who entered 'His' Room.

But, before I managed to continue my evil speech, the one that I was imagining while waiting for him, I received an attempt at taking a gun out.

Why attempt? Well... impostor... tripped.

Absolutely accidentally.



" Mr Smith. Why are you bowing to me? It's a first for me. " I said, turning in a chair to face him, as he was standing up.

But, he again tried to shoot me right after falling...


He tripped again.

I don't even know why.

Whoops... He tripped too hard. Now he is unconscious. Well, his costume should fix it... right... about.

" Now " I said out loud, kicking gun out of his hand, thinking about making impression of me being simple man, who can work by himself, but also a smart businessman.

I managed to appear out of nowhere and create a business that suddenly began spreading at unprecedented speed.

Well, I obviously was not as big as giants of business world, but I could be called a 'rich man with noble goal'.

I kinda like to think of myself a good man, as I has nothing to do, while all my plans are just being done by androids controlled by a certain program on console.

One that had a lot of simulated personalities in it's database. Work of months and years in OP world. I am happy that I have it. It is saving me soo much time and money.

I could've done it by myself, but not very efficiently and smooth.

I memorized a lot. I made a habit of reading different stuff and remembering it, in case of eventual failure of anything.

It happens too frequently with me, so I don't want to lose all the knowledge one day and live like a homeless in poor country.

After musings for an hour or two, I decided that I need a purely killing robots that would just hunt down fanatics of the church of unity.

Only overly fanatical beings that I don't want to call humans anymore.

They deserve to be removed, as they are trying to eradicate humanity because of their brainwashed dirty brains.

Like, if you want to be one, Don't bring everyone else in your shit. Especially in such a dumb shit.

Practically talking, I still had to make almost all big decisions, and as my androids only simulated personalities, I was thinking of hiring real people, who could make decisions and choices that require not only calculations of productivity and public opinion.

And, non AI androids had their limits of emulation. Otherwise I wouldn't have made zone exclusively for them.

~ uncertain time later ~

Well, I didn't expect that. Church of unity managed to use off-grid paths and plan everything without using internet.

It is surprising.

They managed to organise space factory that produced active obelisk and managed to deliver it on earth.

I doubt they know that I can feel it's influence in a pretty big radius, as it is always broadcasting like crazy.

I don't even know why they try so hard? Never understood how fanatics and crazy people think.

Obviously, I destroyed the obelisk. It didn't even reach it's permanent position when vehicle just exploded, creating a chaos on one of the main streets of the capital.

I don't know how it exploded...

Well, it's a lie. I pressed a button on to the particle launcher that was currently placed inside the invisible spaceship. The first and only.

It's not that easy to create one unnoticed and keep it unnoticed from the army. Even with invisibility, as air currents change around the ship, and unusual air currents might be noticed. So, it was either constantly moving, or in a hangar. Ready to launch.

~ Aizek destroyed moons ~

Well, it seems that moons were not the only reason for obelisk's influence. Many far colonies were already under their influence and still acted like moon's destruction changed nothing.

Aizek is still not found, and now people blame even more on his poor heroic ass.


I hired my first team of human employees. Mostly office workers that communicate with people. And obviously I found a way to lower my workload by pushing a lot of work on others.

Why would I? Well...

I got tired. All is good with the idea of clearing the earth, but it's such s daunting task of establishing new recycling bases, new cleaning facilities and arguing with people all the fucking time.

I will keep supporting it with technology and Android workers, while checking on progress from time to time. All the other time, I would like to enjoy my life.

I don't want to work all the time. I deserve it.



Thank you for reading, and enjoy if you can.

sorry for not releasing much. I'm kinda in a bad mood swing right now. busy playing games, watching YouTube and reading - doing everything not productive and bad for me.
