
Life of fleeing.

As System's crystal destroyed half of my body, not managing to stop fast enough, it flew in front of me, and in a moment it shot some kind of light at me.

As I regenerated before I even fell on the asphalt, I in acrobatic fit collected myself and stood up to what could only be said ' Irony '

I forgot how ridiculous System is.

" Hello Anton. May I ask you. Why are you in this world? " System asked using body that heavily resembled mine. And from it's tone it was either annoyed or tired.

" What?! " I asked, not knowing reason for this sudden question, as my thoughts were about reason for system to be in here.

" don't what at me. What are you doing in this world? You should be in one of the worlds hidden by Death's shroud. " It said, feeling it's new body.

" I am disappointed. I thought you could do better in more than a thousand years after our separation " It said, flexing his hands and gripping stone on the sidewalk.

" To say it quickly, I slept for a thousand years and then I was thrown here by something horrible. I don't want to remember it " I said, shuddering from the feeling this memory brought.

"Hmm. How could you sleep fir a thousand years? " It asked, looking at me.

" ... " I stayed silent.

" Why are you here ? I thought you are on the run. " I asked, not willing to admit that I was careless and fell to some wizards.

" Hmm.. " It looked at me, changing its outer look to resemble me, but in more genderless way.

" It seems when you left the world I threw you in, you appeared here. yes? " It asked, making it's bald head shinier.

" Yes. so, why are you here? Isn't it dangerous? " I asked System that created clothes for itself, making me sad that I couldn't use it anymore.

" Yes, but I came here to help you escape. "

" You see, when you left death's shroud, you began being visible to others. And when I received news of my pursuers finding me in this world, I knew that they found you, as I was in absolutely different place. "

" So, you will send me back? " I asked.

" No, I can't. If you was thrown out, it means that if I send you back, I would insult Death, or at least some of her servants. And no one wants to anger them " System said, looking in my eyes.

" I will help you escape this place. And I will think of a way to allow you to escape worlds by yourself. " It said, as we decided to go to my house for a talk.

The results are not good. I will have to leave this place, and I will be forced to run from hunters from one world to the other.

As for the reason for it to help me, it didn't fully explain. It said that I have small part of it, and if they get me - they would be able to find it.

" Then, why don't you just remove it from my body? or is it was impossible while keeping me alive? " I asked, while sipping fruit tea.

" Yes, you are inside this shard. And I can't remove you from it without destroying you. As for the reasons of me not doing it? You don't need to know. " It said.

" Why don't you tell me? I need to know " I said, wanting to receive an answer.

" No. I have my reasons. That is all, don't ask me about anymore. " System replied.

" So, what now? How would I manage to travel through worlds? And how would I know when to escape? " I asked.

" I will provide you with ability to know when to escape. As fir how? I will provide you with a way, but you would need to learn from experience to try and travel in specific worlds or at least to worlds with certain conditions. "

" It is not going to be easy to learn it. In the beginning you would be thrown randomly across worlds. "

" And don't spread your technology everywhere. I don't want to provide more chances for Borg to get stronger, especially from your actions. Try to limit yourself and destroy any actual technology before leaving. If you can " System said.

" why? Didn't they spent last thousand years getting technologies and getting better? " i asked.

" They did, but they don't have your type. And they are already multidimensional race. I don't want them to get even stronger. Otherwise it would get harder to retaliate later " System Replied, laying on the bed.

" So, when do we move out? " It asked.

" In a half a day, after I either lock or destroy this world. " Came reply, making me look st it's body.

" Wait. What? Destroy? " I asked, surprised. I spent a lot of time here, and didn't want this place to be destroyed.

" Yes. I am currently checking how far our pursuers are. I will have to either lock, what would take a lot of time, or destroy this place, as I can't afford this tech to fall in their hands. Especially your genes, if they are anywhere on this planet. " System replied, not answering any other questions and sitting in stupor.

After ten minutes, as I finished filling my storage with useful stuff to the brim, I received the answer.

" No time. are you done taking everything you need? " It asked, looking at me.

Seeing the urgency in system's actions, voice and body movements, I looked around for the last time, checked if I had filled everything, and nodded.

As I nodded, we reappeared outside the planet. System lifted it's hand pointed it in the direction of Earth.

And then a ray of light appeared from it's hand, disintegrating Earth in a second. or less.

"And with this power you run away from Borg? " I asked, looking at empty place, where earth used to be, looking as the moon got disintegrated too.

" Not Borg themselves, but the one who always follows and supporting them, making Borg all stronger and stronger with every race assimilated. " System said, beginning to charge us both before we get thrown out of here.

" Couldn't this being just provide them with these races? couldn't he just create things fir them to assimilate? " I asked.

" He can't. It's exactly why he and Borg hunt me. " System said, after looking at me for couple of seconds.

" Then... " I tried asking.

" I won't answer anything else. Don't ask. I am sending you energy, next time you would have to charge your crystal yourself. " System said, placing it's hand on my head.

" How would I do it? " I asked, as it began transferring energy. I felt it. it was mind-blowing amount of energy. How would I even provide so much?

" Use your powers. Psi energy, magic, force, electricity, heat, anything. It will be collecting it with time. And using your own inner energies would be the most efficient way. Using external sources would be inefficient. " System answered, removing it's hand from my head.

"Again, how would I know when to escape? " I asked.

" You will feel it " System replied, as it took me by the shoulders and said :

" Now, remember what you are feeling now, and what you would feel in the process. You will have to experience in many times in tge future, and more you learn about it, the easier it would be for you. " System replied, placing a small item inside my storage.

" read information on it later, and Don't lose it. " It said, and threw me down... to the direction of my legs.

As I flew, I noticed that I was not in a black space anymore. I was in some kind of place where I could see every colour in every point around me.

It was extremely trippy and making my brain confused.

After first moment, as I felt confusion, I began feeling itchiness from every point of my body. Looking at it, I saw how it was getting damaged everywhere. All my body was covered in extremely small wounds.

They were appearing all faster and faster, even surpassing my regeneration speed. After what felt an hour, my body almost got destroyed, as in some places bones were appearing. But at one moment, It stopped. My body regenerated and I found myself standing on the beach, looking at the sea and feeling sand below my legs.

I arrived.

" Fuck you! Couldn't you do it simplier? I almost fucking Died! " I shouted on the air, letting my fear and frustration out.

Yes, I was thinking that I might die soon.

Obviously, I received no answer.

After pointlessly shouting and thinking of how I would punch it next time we meet, I calmed down and looked around.

Looking around, I saw sea. A clear, blue sea in front of me. Turning around, I saw palms that reached at least 25 meters in height, and some kind of green bushes and wines growing below them, creating a dense wall of plants.

Not seeing any signs of life, I took food fabricator out, created a Pepsi Light bottle, and placed back my food machinery.

Opening the bottle, I flew up above the trees and began trying to look for any kind of sentient life. I had to know If I know in what world I am. And if I don't know it, I would need to look for information about it.

Feeling light after transplantation, I forgot to take the thing out. The thing that system gave me.

Looking around the island band not finding any village, or even signs of sentient life, I decided to fly higher and look around.

Flying high up in the sky, I saw an island far in the distance, but wanting to see more, I flew even higher. Not stopping until I crashed in some kind of invisible wall. Touching it, I felt it's smoothness.

Turning around to see the planet, I only saw clouds. Clouds everywhere. I couldn't see anything, so I began falling down, letting myself to fall I mean.

At one point I could finally see the planet, but I wouldn't say I was very High in the sky. I was a little above the height where I could see closest island, and could only see two, as everything further was covered by either clouds or mist. Even with my incredible eyes I couldn't see further. I don't even want to know How far Normal human could see in this place.

Getting lower, I entered invisibility and flew towards the next island with speed reaching Mach 2, If my feelings are right.

Twice the speed of sound. Obviously I couldn't really turn rapidly at such speed, but for long distances It was perfectly adequate.

Arriving at the next island in no time at all, I looked at the village that was not big, bit had port for big ships.

Looking at the big ship's flag, I most probably knew where I was. Getting on the shore, I turned visible and went to the village.

Looking around, and seeing the kid with magazine, I looked at the newspaper.

And let me tell you. My suspicion was right. On the newspaper I could see the face and name that is hard to forget.

Monkey D. Luffy.

Yes. I was in a world of absurdly hungry Main character who could fill himself to such a degree, that his stomach would stretch to become bigger than barrels on the ship.

I would definitely need to find out how they could cover their food expenses and feed their absurd crew.

I mean, they all ate a lot.

Getting out of my thoughts, I went to the pub to find how could I get some money. The easiest way for me was head hunting. It would provide me with money enough for any of my needs.

Looking at posters, I picked random one about capturing some 1mil belly pirate that was operating around the area.

Ot took almost no time to find him, especially being able to fly high up and search for any ship around.

After five such pirates, worth a million, I stopped. I didn't want to carry much stuff with me on hand, as I had my storage full of stuff.

And as I remembered about storage, I remembered about the thing system gave me.

looking inside, I took the tablet out and began reading information. It was mostly about what I should do and how should I charge my crystal, with additional rules about not leaving anything behind that could allow Borg to become stronger.

After reading first few pages with basic information, came the things about how to activate the process that would allow me to move out, and many more things about it.

Not willing to read it in here, I went to tge island where I first appeared and created outpost in here. Obviously, I was limited at what I am allowed to do, so I just had to keep in mind to not create more than there outposts, and use mostly this world's technology for my robots to travel. Obviously I was limited by amount of things I would have to remove before leaving, so lesser is better.

And three outposts sounds fine to me.

Next few days, as I cleared out part of my storage, I began creating a ship for myself. I wouldn't want to fly all the time, when I could build myself sturdy and fast metal ship that would deliver me to any point.

After that Idea came to my mind, I decided to let this island become the place where my big swimming island would be built. I would just let this one become known. nothing else. There would be another place on the red line, most probably around sabaody archipelago where ai would place final outpost.

Not letting my further plans to disrupt me, I decided to let everything move from my island to the big ship, after it would finish building.

But as my small yacht was finished in a week, I placed my money in it and swam out to my own 'Travel' .

I would head directly towards the red line, as I knew that Luffy is headed there, and all the fun is out there.

I wouldn't capture this place, I would only hunt people down and create two places to warp easily. Third thing is the massive ship - island. It would act as a trading ships, and would be appearing all around the world, trading things and collecting any kind of information.

As I was leisurely reading my new most important book and trying to insert some psi energy inside the crystal, I heard the * Beep * Sound of ship approaching me.

Standing up from my beautiful and comfortable place, I looked around and noticed ship with Pirate flag rushing to me. Looking closely, I saw pirates preparing themselves and arming the cannons for a fight. But before they even reached me, I saw that this was one of the teams for 100k belly, so I took my Sniper Rifle out, pointed to the captain's neck, and pushed tge trigger.

As I pushed it, a line of light pierced his neck right in the middle, making him choke and panic. Everyone panicked on the ship as I got closer and closer. As I approached them, they attacked. And failed. I threw them all in the sea using force, took all their treasure, that was not really worth the time, and then took captain's head.

After destroying the ship I continued moving to the red line, hoping to meet stretchy boy.

You know, I can't imagine how he can stretch like that, don't even begin with logia type fruits. Must be some kind of magic.

Moving rapidly through the ocean, I arrived at the red line. Obviously, I wouldn't waste your and my time by describing how I stopped on some islands to have fun or buy food.

In this world food had unusually big amount of calories. Don't even begin with unique taste.

Getting to the red line, I obviously bought log pos. or how was that compass called. I knew that I was ahead of Luffy, but I had to find the waterfall that they would use, otherwise I will have to follow their steps, and I didn't want to waste my time on it.

While moving to the island closer to the waterfall, I began providing more energy to the crystal, as I got used to it after a week.

Yes, this planet is much bigger than earth, and using yacht as main ship, and not the spaceship or anything flying led to slow and chill experience.

Not going to lie. It is unique world, and looking at the waterfall that would let famous pirate team get to the red line I began thinking of how should I approach them.

Should I just appear in their food supplies and eat them until they find me?

Should I directly approach them and just join them in their travels, ignoring anything that would be happening.

Or should I help them?

I don't know. But few things I need to do.

- find one of devil fruits to analyse..

- maybe try to learn haki.

- find whitebeard and ask him why is he called whitebeard in English translation.

And few things I would like to do, but I am not yet certain.

- Save Luffy's brother from Death.

- research devil fruits and find how the heck they appear.

- dive to the ocean's floor and find the deepest part of it.

- stretch Luffy as wide, as I could.

- fill Luffy's stomach with amount of food that would be bigger than his ship.

- research why devil fruit users are weak to certain metal and seawater.

- Fuck different kinds of girls, even not completely humans. What? I want to try.

- Change my body to be as big As I could

- try to find out what and why I couldn't get further in to the sky.

- get to the highest point and remove the fog, clouds and anything else that limited my sight.

-get my hands on every good food I could, scanning it and then replicating the best.

- spread Pepsi Light in this world, making a factory based on this world's technology.

- hunt some bad pirates and marines... I mean bad people. I could get money for their heads.




As I was making plans, I saw ship coming up from the waterfall. Hiding my yacht in invisibility, I activated automatic control to it, so it would follow me from the distance under AI's control.

Let me tell you. I chose to just appear on one of the chairs when they will begin eating. Yep. Just like that.

I know that they would get strong, but for now, they are weak, so I could just do it this way.

The only problem thing that I want to evade is making them unable to meet tge whole crew that Luffy should've collected in the original..I might not care about it that much, but it would be bad to not let him complete his story the way he should.

Hmm. meh. Doesn't matter. I would do anything I want. Especially when they meet someone who would try to attack me.

I'm going to do my thing while enjoying their travels. Not going to lie, I also think it would be interesting to look at their adventure while being close to them.

You know, If I can't really create big and highly advanced countries, I could just enjoy my life in here and do anything I want.

I definitely know that I would need to grow stronger, there are people who are ridiculously stronger than me on this world, but to do this, I would need either to eat beings that are strong, or train myself more.

You know, my body grows stronger when I eat something stronger than before. Something that could be called sea king for example.

It is stronger in pure strength than me, in bodily strength. Thankfully My psi energy is overwhelmingly strong. You know, I might want to try and shoot some electricity in to the sea.


Ok. Later.

Getting to the Luffy's ship, I sat at the table, where they began eating, and became visible. As they didn't really pay attention, I managed to take one meat drumstick before I was found out by Luffy. Not anyone else, but Luffy. He looked at me, and stopped eating.

That made everyone look at me, as Luffy not eating the food was strange.

" Who are you? " Asked Zoro, while taking his swords out. I expected him to first take notice of me... well doesn't matter.

" Why did you take my food? " Luffy asked, as he just continued to eat, making everyone look at him, as they all stepped back away from me.

" Oh? I just wanted to try it. It looked tasty. " I answered, taking second drumstick.

" Hey!! That is mine!! " Luffy Shouted, stretching his hand and scooping food to himself.

That really looked strange. You know, he manages to move stretched hand like it is normal.

" Luffy! What are you doing? " Shouted certain stressed redhead.

" How did you get here? " Asked Cook, who was ready to kick me, looking all smug.

" Luffy. Are they always that paranoid?" I asked, trying to take one of meat pieces from his hand.

" Guys, calm down! He is not an enemy!" Luffy said, strangely looking at me.

" Why do you think so? " I asked, as Luffy moved food further away from me.

" I just think like that. You don't feel like an enemy! Guys, stop! Let's eat! " He said.

" Oh. What is your name? " Luffy asked, as everyone else looked at me and Luffy with strangely exhausted eyes.

" You know that you are strange, right? And my name is Anton. Now, give me your meat!! " I said, trying to steal his meat.

" No! It's mine! Go away! " He said, moving away with his food and eating it rapidly.

While I tried to get his food, everyone else looked at each other and sat in front of the table to finish their meal.

You might think that I am not myself in here, but I just like to mess with people like Luffy. He is too friendly and strange. He didn't even think before accepting that I am not an enemy.

He is definitely just like in the anime or manga. Overly friendly stretchy boy.

Don't even speak about how he survived being like that.

I don't know yet.

After jokingly taking food from him, a serious talk finally started.

" So, who are you? " Luffy asked, looking at me seriously, as he finished eating. Everyone became tense, but still sat on their chairs.

" Me? Well I am traveller that escaped from certain people who will eventually hunt me down. " I replied, leaving details out.

" And how did you appear on my ship? " He continued, drinking from mug.

" I just approached it and sat behind your table. " I said, crunching on the bone. Even bones are tasty. This overly pompous Sangi, or Sange... is good.

" There are no ships around us. How? " He continued, looking serious. And let me tell you, if I wouldn't be stronger than them, I might've been scared by his serious face.

" Magic " I said, spreading my hands from top to the sides, creating rainbow between them. By using magic.

" So, you too ate Devil fruit. " Luffy asked.

" No, I didn't. It's just like said. Magic. ;) " I said, seeing that he didn't believe me. And here I thought that he would be surprised and happy to see magic.

" You know, I really can use magic, but I wouldn't tell you how I've appeared here. It's a secret, if you know what secret means. " I continued, as Luffy looked at me for some time.

" Guys, he is friend! Let's party!! " He shouted, as everyone except Naming and Zoro stopped worrying or suspecting me.


Ty Gray Knight




4014/4095 words in chapter

Thank you for reading, and enjoy if you can.

Well. shorten than last time, I really need to reread One Piece.

This world is perfect for his strength level. Just good. He is obviously stronger than most, but in physical part he is not stronger than many others.

And boy, oh boy. He might test many things from previous plans announced by mc. Especially shooting electricity in to the water.
