
Exoskeleton and a talk. ( edited )

Well. As I remember, I could warp [ Personal Modification Station] somehow.

" Helper, what is necessary to warp [PMS]? " I asked while sitting in an room, that I bought from someone who, apparently, was moving out to the higher building. Well, it is not highest building. Almost exactly at the middle of the highest level, and it is pretty big.

" There are couple of possibilities. Do you need permanent [ PMS ], or temporary? " Helper asked me, and now it surprisingly sounded not inside my head, but almost like he is standing in front of me.

" hmm. Temporary, I think. " I answered.

" What would be the purpose of this station? " Helper asked again. I am honestly glad that he doesn't know what I am thinking about all the time.

" I wanted to build humanoid exoskeleton, it will be better for me, and for the meeting with Jedi " I replied, while already thinking about how I want to look like. Like protoss? human? mix of both?

" I suppose, you would need a standard sized humanoid. You will need a free space of 3 meters in all three dimensions. It will appear around you, and would be there only until you are inside this zone." Helper finished and sent me a notification where I could find activation button.

" Maximum time allowed inside temporary Station is twelve hours. It can be warped anywhere around big masses of land. " Helper finished.

" Thank you " I replied and gone to clear some free space.

After pushing all the furniture to the side, I went to the center, and activated this transfer.

What appeared around me, was a room with one side and a ceiling missing. It had a lot of mechanical and energy manipulators, control panel on the inner wall and many things I had no knowledge about.

As I was planning to look from the normal point, from the head, I set parameters so that my current body would connect to my present real Probe's body from the bottom, and would not look like my head is too big.

And as I was bigger then Earth's human's head, I set my height and build resemble Protoss.

As my face was too robotic, I was thinking about creating a fake outer mask, where my eye would be behind some kind of Visor, and mouth would be needed, I want to taste the food at some point, and it will be probably hidden by the mask, as the one imitating my emotions was not yet available, and I didn't want to pay too much to hasten research progress. It is wasteful.

As for my body, It resulted in body with height of 2.7 meters Normal protoss's height, shield sticks were used as an outer main bones for hands and legs. They would provide a shield around my legs and hands, while in emergency, they could create a bigger shield to the sides and protect sizable zone from the front.

( Imagine boxer blocking his head, and shield coming from sides of his hands and legs. )

Spine could not be made stiff, as it would create unnatural moving pattern, so it was created from special metals that were imitating Protoss's spine, but much stronger.

Ribs were made from the same material, so they would be elastic and could be moved to imitate normal body.

this exoskeleton, was mostly a copy of protoss body, but from much better materials and with some gravitational technology to negate excessive weight from metal parts.

Muscles were nonexistent, for now, so a mix of pressure and gravity mixed technology was used to recreate their a look and functionality.

Obviously, it will be replaced later, but for now this is the only plausible choice that would not require spending tonnes of resources.

As for the skin, artificial skin was available. Even though I would not feel anything until Sensors would be connected to me, and this would require a research to translate sensor signal into the feeling.

So, as always, later.

As for the mask, it will be under the skin, covering my actual body, and making my face look realistic.

Connection point would be hidden behind the collar, but even without it, connection would be almost seamless.

Now, that almost everything is decided, It needed almost no time to create, as it was being created already in constructed form, like being printed using some kind of rays.

As it was created in under an hour, I was not very bored. Lastly, after all hydraulics were filled with gases, skin was wrapped around the body, It was time to connect it to myself.

I flew over onto the connection point, and connected to its spine like to a cable. After that, face was connected to me, and locked until I decide to change a body.

As I connected to it, I felt almost no difference, except I somehow could feel my whole body.

Not sense of touch, but like sense of existence.

First of all I tried to move, and hovered to the front...

Whoops, I should walk, not hover. I better get used to it, until it is time to meet the Jedi.

Walking was unusual for me, but my years of practice from my first life were not for nothing, so in twenty minutes I was used to normal movement, and could even do some harder movements with hands and legs, like crossing fingers, jumping, balancing on one leg, and even standing on my head...

Standing on the head was new, it seems that automatic body balancing was good choice.

As I was beginning to move to other tests, I was called to go and talk with Jedi about Qui-gon's Brainwashing.

As I walked out, Aden was surprised, now we were the same height with him and Oden, it was unusual.

I already got used to look at them from the bottom.

Well, they do have similar faces.

As we went out, and arrived at Jedi temple, Qui-gon met us with Anakin and Obi-wan.

Oh, it seems Anakin would be another reason for discussion.

Heh. Let's see what they will come up with.

As we walked closer, they were looking around.

" Where is An Ton? and who is he? " Qui-gon asked, pointing at me.

" Haha. It is me, An Ton. The robot you was talking with me through, was used as I was not available at the moment. You really thought that It was my real body? hehe " I said, looking amused at them, while nothing was shown on my face. Well, I will need to ask system to research in that direction too, otherwise I will have to hide my face for a long time.

" Oh. welcome, then. Lets get in, council is waiting. " Qui-gon replied, not looking that stressed anymore.

" Hi Young Anakin, nice to finally meet you firsthand " I said, giving him a hand for a handshake.

Walking through the corridors, I saw groups of Little kids that grow up under the teachings of Jedi and stopped to watch, these kids were using some kind of small jedi swords, or imitations with their heads covered on helmets.

Also I saw some small droids shooting at them. What surprised me, was that every time someone missed a shot, they would not even make a sound from pain.

As Qui-gon hurried us to move, I continued to look at their Architecture and people around us.

When they said that Jedi were scarce, they didn't lie.

The main jedi temple was big, but not big enough for a planet with population of at least one trillion people.

That is strange, how were they able to influence so much, while being so small?

As I thought about reasons, we arrived at the door leading to the Jedi council.

ouf. time to see, what will happen. I really want to see what they can come up with.

~ Whoosh ~

* sound of door opening *

As I entered, I saw many Jedi masters, Yoda, Windu who looked exactly like in the movie, and many more who I could not recognize at all.

" Hello " I said nonchalantly, before anyone could say anything.

" Don't be rude " Qui-gon said to me, while I looked at him like at some kind of moron. Why would I care?

" Welcome you are. Young one " Yoda said to me, stopping Windu from flaring up at my obvious provocation.

" And here I thought you guys were teaching calmness and acceptance, but even on the highest level there are some people who can't control their anger " I said, purposely looking at Windu, making him a little bit dumbstruck.

Yep, he is strange.

" So, get to the point, stop wasting our time" Windu said while looking at me strictly.

" Haha, not so fast. First, lets give a word to Qui-gon and his goal, and then, after his part is finished, we can talk about our situation " I said, with letting Qui-gon come to the front with Anakin and Obi-wan.

Almost everything was going according to the canon in this talk, except some details with me.

As they didn't accept that Anakin is the slave, as he is no longer in Hutt space. Well, I didn't think of that. But I still have his mother with me, so we can still be in contact with him.

Not everything is lost. And even if everything is lost, I made a contact with Jedi. Everything else doesn't matter.

" Well, you will have to pay me for his freedom, at the very least. " I said to Qui-gon after they've done talking to him and Anakin left the place with Obi-wan.

" Talk about it later you can " Yoda said with his unusual way of talking.

" Yes, we can. Now we need to talk about important business. " I said.

" Yes, give us captured Sith and you can leave. Thank you for your assistance. " One of the council members said to me. That is annoying.

" What? You really think you have a right to talk about it? " I said, looking at that Jedi's eyes, well trying to. He had three unlike me.

" Yes, sith is our problem, and you don't understand how hard it us to keep them locked " Another one chimed in.

" Aargh " I said exasperatedly, they are really annoying.

" This is not the point of our conversation, Yoda, we are here to talk about Qui-gon's blunder, so calm them down. " I said, while looking at Yoda's small body, he is really small.

Hmm could my technology straighten his back?

" Grandmaster Yoda for you " Mace Windu said strictly, finally calming down and getting his bearings. Huh, maybe he isn't so bad.

" No, he is no Grandmaster of mine. And don't try to force me to call him like that. I am not Jedi. " I replied, while Yoda was thinking about my words.

" Yes, talk we shall about bother things. But sith we later talk about, right? " Yoda said, looking at me and then other Jedi who agreed with him and decided to stay silent.

" Yep, we can talk about it later, with less people. " I replied.

" So, what I want from him, Is formal public apology from him and Jedi temple to our leaders, on our planet, for trying to manipulate our minds. " I said.

" This much just because you didn't want to lower the price?" Another Master chimed in.

" Not just because, mind control is an awfully disgusting thing. Especially to our race, who had a bad story with it. So it is not just about price. It is about Brainwashing. " I replied, getting more annoyed at their stupidity.

" This is not Brainwashing, this is just compulsion to do this in another way. " Another one replied, while some others nodded to it.

" Hah. is it a joke to you? playing with others minds? Are you some kind of evil mind controllers? " I replied, trying to accuse them, so that they rake it more seriously.

" Right you are, never thought like that I have. " Yoda said, surprising me that he was not against this though. hmm.

" Bad it might be for us to use it freely like before. Placed more rules must be. " He continued.

" But why? " Some jedi asked

" To my attention came the news, that could not I believe." He said fluently.

" Some jedi use this might, to do bad deeds. " He finished.

" Sorry we are, but apologizing publicly we can't. " He said to me, after answering another jedi.

" Why? Then how are you gonna repay us for this? " I asked, never really hoping for public apology from temple itself. Qui-gon would be enough.

" What do you want? Just tell us, Don't waste our time " Windu said, a little bit exasperated by the words that Yoda said.

" Well, if you say it like that, I want for Qui-gon to apologize to Aden and Oden, and then to our race on our planet. As for other things, maybe creating a small temple on our temple in outer ring, as you don't really have a lot of them out there. And it might help us both. " I said.

" Now, you can decide it later, and we will discuss details after you think about it between yourselves. " I said.

" Yes, now lets talk about the sith. Give him to us " One of the council members said, making me angry a little bit. They think that They have any right for this sith?

" Sorry, but I won't give him just like that. We captured him, and we will keep him to ourselves. " I replied.

" You can't keep him, he is our trouble, and we should take care of him. " Another one....

"Calm down, we at least should see him and confirm that it is sith " Windu said.

"Well, it can be done, but I don't think all of you are needed there " I said, pointing at them all.

" Me and Windu enough shall be " Yoda said while flying up with his chair and suggesting for us to visit the sith.


``` Author's note ```

`` 69 +- words ``

` 2322 words in a chapter `

Thank you for reading, and enjoy if you can.

Well, I've done what I could about this conversation. Leave your opinions, I might even correct some things that you guys pinpoint.

Maybe... maybe not, who knows.

So how am I doing? ok?

I tried writing like Yoda talks, but it is kinda hard.

Well. Leave a comment and such stuff.
