
Rakata Prime.

'Atata Rakata'

Was the First thing that came to my mind when I heard that name. I don't remember many planets from sw movies, and this one is not one of them.

When we left the tunnel, we saw a system with couple of planets. One of them was our target, but first of all we landed on the moon of one of the planets and I built the pylon.

Why? because it will allow me and other protoss to warp faster when needed.

After creating a pylon, I warped couple of probes and began building outpost, obviously hidden using invisibility tech, like from arbiters or Mothership.

I don't want some uninvited guests to see this place. Probes, after building small outpost on the outside, began digging in to the mountain to create naturally hidden part. All this was planned by Fenix and co ( smiths, council etc).

Now, after they started this, I began moving to the Rakata Prime.

When Arrowbiter git closer to the planet, we began trying to get in touch with security and land in the dock. It was not so hard, so after a minute or so we landed in to the Hangar that looked old and rusty.

Why don't they clean it? is it so hard? This is public place, not some private property which no one will see.

Hangar place did not cost us much, so we just paid using pirates money and asked where can we sell other things and get information.

This planet could hardly be called modern, as the place where we landed, the capital, was heavy mix of designs, materials, with densely packed buildings.

But you could still differentiate between rich and common parts. We landed in simple private hangar, as it seems it is business too. Having a hangar and renting it to visitors.

Our company separated in three groups.

First, pilots, smiths and templars, they has gone for a trading place, and to get a look at their technology. So, loving machines is not only human trait, huh. Also they will try to get some information about this world and understand how people live here.

Second, ours. Me, Fenix, and all soldiers.

The third group is probes. Three probes were sent to search for a hidden location to place a pylon. They will stay on this planet, as this is the closest one with people to Earth.

As we did not want to walk all the time, we used Vultures, as it was only our group that decided to take them, we easily fit in.

The reason for us taking it? we decided to go to more prosperous part of the city, where my companions will begin gather information.

I, with Fenix will visit their tourist center, or what it is called here. We will find out.

There were no tourism on this planet, and as we came to the government facility, they provided us with information that we should know, don't ask how the talk itself happened, it was awkward and on the verge of conflict, but luckily it all was all just a try to get more money.

Why? because it seems we don't have needed galactic passport and we need to get it, or we will be seen as criminals.

As it was important, Fenix called for others and we all registered ourselves in holo net, their analogue to internet.

As it took time, while waiting for others to get here, I was looking around, and been looked at with strange looks.

As we all put request for registration and registering our ship, we were told to wait for a week, on which we will need to pay a little fee for each one of us, and would be unable to leave until we want to be claimed as criminals.

And to tell the truth, I don't want to be seen as criminal if I can just easily evade it.

Fir the time being, we will live on the ship, as it makes no sense to rent a place when we have perfectly good spaceship.

So, couple of hours passed, and we came back to ship. I was not really interested in concrete information, just basic - how to behave, who is strong, what is not allowed.

And surprisingly, law was not extremely complicated. Mainly. We did not have time to research all the laws, but the ones that concern people not living on the planet.

- Don't kill.

- Don't steal

- Don't resist checks from their army

- Don't damage government buildings

- Don't Be rude to the ruling class.

Those are the main ones. With harshest penalties. Death being not harshest of them.

About common logic, It is knowledge of most common races and their taboos. Also, about how not to get in unnecessary trouble. I don't need it, neither any of us.

So as on this planet mainly lived one species, it was not that big of a trouble, except poor regions of the planet.Where any one can live, as they don't care about small villages with less then thousand people. How strange. Are they stupid? it is there a reason for that?

Welp, doesn't matter. As we all chatted about what we found out, I overheard that Our two dark templars visited criminally active part of the city, and they did not really like what they saw, but it was not in their interest to be the law on this planet.

After listening to information about places we should not visit, we gone to sleep.

~ In the morning ~


" Someone seem to want to get in touch with the captain of the ship, they said that they are here from government to register your ship" We heard the voice from the back of the ship, as we left it open and with two dark templars and a Probe on guard.

Why probe? well it will be able to close the doors when DT intercept intruders if needed, or even shock them using their weapon.

The Voice came from the owner of hangar: Mr Gorgo. Pretty rude, but fair person. I don't know his race, but if I remember right, it was in first film of SW, and if I remember correctly, they could not be affected by force. Nothing else I know about them.

Why do I think of him as fair, well he had a list of prices for using hangar and did not try to get more from us. And he even provide some bonus services, but we did not need them.

Not really that ensuring, now that I think about it.

So, now back to the check.

There were a couple of technicians and two overseers. They checked the engine, size of the ship, and number of guns. It was needed for basic registration. of the ship.

It was registered as Arrowbiter. That is good that we decided to cover any protoss looking part with metal. We don't need unnecessary attention, especially with cruelty of people.

After half and hour, some document and reading, they left.

So we spread out to do our business. I went with Fenix to look for a ways to get currency.

What we found after half a day:

- Head hunter

- Garbage collecting ( space garbage)

- Transportation of cargo

- Cargo protection

- Bodyguard work

- Assassinations

- Debt collection

- Extermination work

- Trading

- Repair work


There were a lot of possibilities, but we decided to think about first five. Assassination did not sit well with Fenix. Not in times of peace he said.

Well, we have a lot of possibilities

And others? they take time and I didn't want to waste it. For now, at least.

I don't even know normal prices for most things. I hope that today There would be any news about it.

When we were looking through the pubs, pretty close to the criminal parts, we were confronted by some thugs. There wereseven of them.

" Wha the heck are ya sniffin herre? Eh?" Thug in the front said to the Fenix's face after we were trying to leave this pub.


``` Author's note ```

`` 81 +- words ``

` 1342 words in main story `

Thank you for reading, and enjoy if you can.

Sorry for not releasing earlier.

If I take long, write a comment on last chapter. I am reading them, so it will remind me that I need to write.

Kinda was delaying writing all the time, until I saw someone write it.

That was a good push and knowledge that you people, want next chapter ;)

P.S: Anybody reading those notes?
