
Just threats

She wasn't going to marry anyone he wanted. Since he wanted to break her, she would show him how much broken she can actually be.

When they reached the white house, she got settled and ordered a banquet. The chefs stood by the side as she sat on the long dinner table with assorted dishes placed on it.

She picked her cutlery casually taking a plate; she placed some food on it.

''Where is the president? '' she asked, placing some food in her mouth;

''He's not been home since three days. '' Claire paused;

''when will he be coming back? ''

''I don't know ma'am. '' she paused and turned back to the food. She barely touched what was on the table when she stood up and left.

After resting, she went for a swim. She was drying her wet hair as she walked back to her room when she saw her father playing golf. Her feet paused and she turned to where he was standing;

She saw a surprise flash through his eyes when he saw her;
