
Finding Out-III

"Without knowing what element you belong for yes, it would be hard for you to borrow the Sulix's power but for elements that deviate from the four elements, you wouldn't be able to borrow the power from any Sulixs. Which mean you magic fall to the category of unknown elements." Ian explained and Elise formed her thought.

Unknown wasn't a good word when she is in a hurry to find power to protect herself, thought Elise. "How would I be able to use my magic without the help of the Sulix?"

"There are ways but most of elements only appeared when they are called or summon. Unless you call what elements you are, you wouldn't be able to find or work your magic." Ian filled in and hummed, "From what I could remember black water means shadow magic but since you have tried to find your elements, it should appear soon before you."

"Appear? How could elements appear?" she asked confused, still unable to understand.
