
Important Guests

After Adith and Alisya entered, Glow's grandmother and the others immediately returned to focus on their next guest.

This time it was her guest from her mother Stevan, it was Laras who was none other than Stevan's younger cousin from the mother line.

Since Stevan's mother is the oldest daughter-in-law in the Glowry Word family, she is free to invite whoever she wants like her niece Laras.

"Ma, this is Laras and her husband Todi, she's the daughter of my brother. And they are both prospective doctors!". It is clear that Stevan's mother introduced Laras and Todi to Glow's grandmother with enthusiasm and pride.

Grandma Glow, who is known for being friendly, immediately welcomed Laras and Todi warmly.

"Thank you for coming, please come in and enjoy my grandson's wedding". said Grandma Glow kindly while inviting Laras and Todi to enter.
