

After the conversation, Khay escorted Nana to her front gate.

Before Nana got into the taxi, Khay repeatedly hugged her as if she didn't want Nana to go this fast. Not long after, Nana got into the taxi and waved her hand at Khay.

A moment later the taxi left Khay's residence. Nana feels impatient to meet her family again in the flower city of Bandung after spending almost a year in South Korea.

On the way to the station, suddenly Nana, who was engrossed in seeing the view from the windshield, was shocked when she heard the sound of a car horn that was so loud.

Instantly Nana's eyes grew wide and fear overwhelmed her heart.

"Aaa ...". shouted Nana when she realized the taxi she was using was hit by a truck. Instantly the taxi immediately bounced away rolling on the asphalt.

Nana felt her world spinning, her head was bleeding from the light impact of the windshield luckily she immediately protected her head with her bag.
