Ren is currently on his way to his room because the discussion with the student council president is over. Before he reached his room he saw Horikita standing in front of one of the room's doors. That room is also right next to Ren's room, but Ren doesn't know whose room it is even though it's next to him.
".... Horikita" Said Ren who greeted Horikita who hadn't pressed Bell. Of course Horikita glanced at Ren.
"Sakayanagi-Kun? What are you doing here?" Said Horikita who did not know that Ren's room was next to the room she wanted to enter.
"I should be the one talking like that. This floor is a dormitory for men, and also my room is right next to the room you want to enter" Ren explained to Horikita while continuing his steps towards his room ...
... Ren had guessed what Horikita would do like asking for help or maybe giving information to anyone in the room.
"So whose room is that?" Ren asked after opening the door to his room.
"You who are next to his room don't even know who he is? What are you doing that you don't know the person next to your room?" Answered Horikita, anyone should know the person next to their room.
The reason why Ren didn't know the person next to his room wasn't because of his brain injury, but because he had never seen that person. Maybe because when Ren came out the person did not come out and vice versa.
"That's none of your business ... To be sure whatever you do will be in vain" Said Ren who had not yet entered his room.
"What do you mean?" Said Horikita who, from her tone, looked serious.
"Someone like you can't go to a man's dormitory just for useless matters .... You definitely want to discuss class problems with him, right?" Said Ren who could conclude Horikita's actions.
"..... That's right," replied Horikita, who was shocked before, because Ren concluded it perfectly.
"You must also know who is someone who knows about Sudou's problem ... The woman named Sakura, right?" Ren said that made Horikita surprised.
Ren could tell because from the moment this problem occurred only Sakura had acted strangely. The reason Ren could know Sakura's name was because of the notebook about the student he had.
"... How do you know?" Said Horikita
"I already said that this is an easy problem to solve ... Like Manabu-senpai said that you really can't go up to class A" Ren said as he entered his room.
"What did you say just now !?" Said Horikita, whose tone was rather high. She was surprised because Ren said the name of the student council president who was her brother.
"Like your Brother said that it is impossible you can go up to class A if it continues like this" Reply Ren who finally closed the door of his room without regard to the surprised Horikita.
On the other side Horikita was very surprised by Ren's words. Ren's words were the same as those of her brother, not to mention Ren calling her brother by first name which meant they could be considered close.
Ren's plan to be allowed to call the student council president by his first name is one of them to make Horikita assume that Ren and her brother are close. If she considers it that way then she is easier to use by Ren.
"Is Sakayanagi-Kun close to my brother? Not only that, he even said something easily ... Think about that later the most important thing now is to discuss the D class problem first." Muttered Horikita before finally pressing Bell.
Not long after that the door opened and displayed a man who was Ayanokouiji. But before Horikita wanted to discuss the witnesses she saw many shoes in Ayanokouiji's room that made her want to return. Before she left, Kushida called out to her and Ayanokouiji whispered something that made her not leave.
"Those of you who have put forth great effort for fruitless results, let me give advice ... there is a witness, and that is also someone we know." Said Horikita who already knew that Sakura, the person Ren was talking about was a witness.
"You know the person?" Ayanokouiji asked.
"The person is Sakura, our classmate." Reply Horikita informs that Sakura is a witness.
After that they entered the room to discuss about this problem. As Ren had said that even though Sakura wanted to help, she wouldn't be able to do much and the results wouldn't change either, Horikita also knew that.
In the room, Ren has finished all his business such as changing clothes, etc. Right now he is staring at Video on his laptop, of course it is Video who can solve Class D problems.
"How do you make the woman named Sakura help you ... And how can you solve this problem, I will wait" Ren said as he looked at the laptop screen showing Sudou's battle with three people from class C.
After a few minutes Ren finally turned off his laptop and went to his bed then lay down.
"There is only one person who is close to Horikita ... So the one next to my room is Ayanokouiji, right?" Ren murmured before he finally fell asleep.
Horikita was only seen close to Ayanokouiji from the start of school. So it's easy to guess who she wants to meet in the male dormitory, Ayanokouiji. Even so she might just want to tell not help, Horikita is a woman who doesn't want to lose and so she wants to do everything alone.
That's what makes Horikita impossible to rise to class A, she can't ride just with her ability alone. The student council president was aware of that and told Horikita directly but she did not understand and did not do what the student council president meant.
The school went as usual, only that Kushida kept looking for Sakura to talk about Class D problems. Instead, she avoided the people who were looking for her because she didn't want to be involved.
While Ren behaved as usual, right now he was reading a book and behind him was Horikita who wanted to talk to Ren.
"Sakayanagi-Kun are you close to my Brother?" Said Horikita to Ren who was cool reading.
... This question is what Ren was waiting for when he said Manabu-Senpai ... Even so, but Ren just wanted to make Horikita even more curious ..
"I don't know ..... I think our relationship is senior and Junior" Ren said casually who did not even look away from his book.
"..... What is the meaning of what you said back then? I want an explanation" Although still curious about her brother's relationship with Ren, Horikita changed the subject.
"Hmmm, what words?"
"Words that say that I can't go up to class A, even that is what my Brother said ... What does that mean?" Said Horikita who asked for an explanation for Ren's words.
"Oh ..... It's only natural that you can't reach class A .... Because you can't depend on others, because you don't have someone who can help you ... then it's impossible. for you up to class A "Obviously Ren relaxed as if no one would get hurt if he said that.
Of course Horikita who heard that could not say a word because it was all reality. Even though she tried as hard as she could if she did everything alone she would not develop. Humans are social creatures so they need others to do things.
Ren is also human, so he needs someone else to help him, it's just that the way Ren does is somewhat unique. Although that person helped Ren but that person did not know if that person had helped Ren. That's what makes everything Ren do look like he's doing it alone.
If you want to make others help yourself, then get trust first, so from that whatever you do must succeed ... If you want to succeed together then everyone must trust each other, but this road is what Ren cannot do. Therefore Ren took another way, he made others believe only to sacrifice those who believed in him, because Ren could not trust anyone.
"That's what my words mean, maybe Manabu-Senpai also intends to be the same as me" Said Ren who was still reading a book.
While Horikita did not say anything, she immediately left the classroom because it was still resting. Ren also finally stopped reading and went to the cafeteria to eat.
He sat in his usual place because there was no one sitting there, soon there appeared a woman who immediately sat in front of Ren who was none other than Ichinose.
"Is your class problem over?" Ichinose asked with a smile.
"Not yet ... We should finish the food first" Said Ren who immediately ate his food followed by Ichinose.
After everything was finished they finally continued the conversation that was delayed because of the food.
"Does my help benefit you?" Ichinose asked Ren, who was definitely in vain because Ren didn't help class D.
"I don't know ... I didn't help them, but it seems like they already know who the witness saw the incident" Ren replied, who already knew that Sakura was being sought by Kushida.
"I see ... Who is the witness? May I know?" Said Ichinose who was interested in who the witness was.
"one of the D class students ... I forgot the name even though I think yesterday I remember" Ren answered honestly because he had now forgotten the name Sakura.
"Hmm ... What else can I do, I'll ask Kushida-San later" Ichinose said because she knew it was natural that Ren forgot something.
They talked about something else they found interesting until finally Ichinose said something she had always wanted to know.
"Sakayanagi-Kun, may I ask?" Said Ichinose who wanted to express her curiosity.
"Didn't I tell you that if you want to ask right away" Ren replied with a smile.
"Alright ..... Aren't you able to solve your class problems easily? I wonder why Sakayanagi-Kun didn't solve this problem" Ichinose said straight to the point as Ren had instructed.
"What do you mean?" Ren asked as if he did not understand what was meant by Ichinose.
"Sakayanagi-Kun, you have guessed that class D will get into trouble before the problem arises ... Surely you have also prepared how to solve that problem, right?" Ichinose explained.
Even though Ren completely hide his face, Ichinose knew that Ren also understood her meaning. Ichinose was not guessing from Ren's face or behavior because it was impossible, but she was guessing from Ren's words.
Ichinose is a smart kid, the fact that she is the leader of class B is indisputable. No one can guess what Ren is thinking if only from his face because Ren is smart to hide his expression.
"Hmmm ... Indeed I can solve this problem but it's not yet time for me to act" Ren replied casually which made Ichinose rather surprised because the action taken by Ren involved the entire class D.
"When will Sakayanagi-Kun act?" Asked the curious Ichinose.
"If the time comes ... I want to see how they solve this problem, because I'm also sure that even if I don't act this problem will also be finished" Ren answered, convinced that everything will return to normal even if he didn't help.
"If you say that then that will happen ..." Said Ichinose as if she already knew that Ren's words would always be true.
... In the eyes of Ichinose Ren's words were like a prediction of the future, whatever he said would definitely happen sooner or later.
"Oh yeah ... Ichinose, can you accompany me tomorrow?" Said Ren who asked Ichinose for help.
"Accompany? Do you want to buy anything else?" Ichinose said because she had accompanied Ren so she was a little used to it.
"Hmmm, yes that's how even though my main goal is not that," said Ren.
"What are your main goals?"Ichinose asked.
"You will know tomorrow"
"... Alright," said Ichinose who agreed to accompany Ren tomorrow.
Because the next hour would start soon Ren got up and walked away first but before that he said something that made Ichinose blush.
"See you tomorrow ..... Honami" Said Ren who walked away to the class left Ichinose whose face was flushed from being called by first name.
Sorry if there is Typo or there are errors and ambiguities
The reason why the author just updated is because there is a problem ..... The laptop that keeps this story has an unexpected error so it just started last night
thank you
See you later