
Breakfast anger

As I woke up, I thought I saw a dream of lazari, I woke up fuy after smelling something delicious, as I walked to the kitchen, I saw someone I never saw before, I yelled at the person "Who Are you?! What are you doing here?! who sent you here?!" As the person finished cooking, I realised that she has the same hair colour as lazzy, as I had a bat in my hand, the person spoke up and said "Morning, don't worry its me lazari I can form into an adult size since that's how old I am, but I technically died when I was young. Also breakfast is ready!" she spoke freely like I didnt even yell at her. As she passed me a plate with eggs,bacon,beans and a cup of coffee, I looked at her and said " I don't have time for breakfast I gotta head to work since i don't wanna miss my bus" I said as I headed to my room to change while she said " you know, since I watched you everyday, you get a fever or have a headache when you miss it. And you should always have breakfast to boost you up, also if you want I can take you to work since i know someone who can take us there for free", I came out and said its fine, but as I nearly opened the door I could feel her anger towards me, I ate breakfast and asked if she could take me there in less than 10 minutes.

(creator message: I'll try and post every Monday or Friday, and if I have a week off from stress, I'll post chapters everyday, but thats hopefully, and sorry that this is short)
