
The Trial (Part Two)

"It's working!"

The replica of their soul mark of the Ivy leaf and its five tendrils was shining brightly in six different colors as the Immortals kept transferring their energy into it.

Everyone watched in amazement as the soul mark on Li Ming's wrist also began shining in those similar six different colors that belonged to her mates.

Zhang Yong - Orange

Ruoshan - Purple

Hei Long - Black

Wen Guiying - Green

Lord Yueliang - Blue

Heaven Emperor - Gold

The Ivy leaf was colorless with the orange light creating its edges while the five tendrils were shining with the colors that be linked to her soul mates.

If Li Ming also put her qi into the replica then rather than six colors there would be seven, the last one would be silver which would fill the colorless Ivy.

As the Immortals worked on transferring energy into their mate through the soul mark, the old man was also doing a brilliant job.
