
17: Tikki

When Tikki left Marinette, she was sure of her task. She repeated in her head the plan and to how she's going to tell Plagg about the whole scheme of things. She even had a backup plan just in case Adrien decides to come along. It was all arranged and well sorted out until...she saw Lila lurking around the bakery.

"What is she doing here?" Tikki thought to herself and flew over. She made sure she wasn't seen and made sure she was only going to observe. "This is a little bit of a detour and out of character, but I can't be too sure." she whispered hiding from the street lamp just above Lila's head.

Lila's phone suddenly rang and the girl was not ecstatic glancing at who the caller was, Tikki, however, was more curious about what Lila was planning so she flew closer to hear the girl's conversation.

"...come on Hawkmoth, as if you have anything better planned."

Tikki gasped, "Lila's conspiring with Hawkmoth!" she thought to herself. She wanted to immediately tell Marinette about it.

She was about to fly back up to Mari's room when Lila started to move away. Tikki thought it should be better to follow Lila now than lose her. She thought it was wise to tell Marinette about it after she got more clues of Lila's conspiracy and maybe just maybe...she could lead Tikki to Hawkmoth's lair.

"This better work," Tikki said flying towards Lila's direction.

The sneaky girl hasn't ended the call. She was still on the phone with Paris' number one villain.

"Where could she be heading to..?" she said as she flew passed the river following Lila.

Tikki followed.

And followed.

And followed.

Until she surprised herself of where she was already.

"Isn't this....Adrien's house?" she said looking up from a distance. Lila stood before the gate and the gate opened up for her. "What is she doing here?" Tikki said, desperate for answers.

As soon as the gate opened, the kwami flew following Lila in. She prayed the cameras didn't catch her flying in. She hides in the bushes hoping she could catch a view of what's going to happen next.

Gabriel receives Lila on the front porch and the two looked really close from where Tikki was peeking. But Lila seemed agitated and Gabriel looked his usual poker face. The two talked a little and went in. As soon as the doors shut, Tikki flew over and across the wall. Being a kwami that can pass through walls has always been convenient for intel gathering. The moment she got in the foyer, Tikki hid behind one of the beams of the entrance. Gabriel led Lila to his office and Tikki had convinced herself she'll get caught if she follows in further. She was about to go up to Adrien's room when her resolve dissolved instantly the moment she heard Lila yell in anger. In Tikki's goodwill, she had to go over to Lila despite how much Marinette despised the girl. After all, it was in her nature as the kwami of creation to be very caring and sympathetic towards humans.

Tikki flew over to the door of Gabriel's office, sticking her head on the door to hear what was happening on the other side.

"Are you telling me you're going to use this against Ladybug?" Lila discriminates a piece of bangle laid on the table.

"That's why I called you over. It's been over a month since I had caused havoc in the city and I suspect Ladybug has put her guard down after such a long hiatus."

Tikki hears Lila giggle. That's when Tikki realized something. She gasps, "That voice! Could he be?" But before Tikki finishes her thought, the door opens and a jar greets her locking her in.

"Hello, little one." grinned Gabriel who was holding the jar. He closes the door and brings his surprise package, laying it on the table. Lila walks over with an evil stare, "Oooh isn't that Ladybug's pet?" she said poking the lid that had holes in it for the creature to breathe.

Tikki tries to break through bumping herself to the glass over and over but her abilities to pass through objects don't seem to be working.

"Try as you can, but that's a special jar that I've recently developed using this." Gabriel said as he reveals the peacock miraculous on his hand. "It won't let any kwami pass through, nor any interception from your other friends."

"I knew it!" Tikki exclaimed, "The reason why hawkmoth had been weirdly inactive lately is that he's been fixing the broken miraculous!"

"Oh you're a smart kwami...unlike Nooroo here who's always indecisive."

"I'm sorry master." said Nooroo, bowing apologetically.

Tikki felt so sorry for her fellow kwami who looked very lonely and worn out with all that Hawkmoth has been making him do, destroying Paris. She wanted to knock sense into Gabriel, but knowing Hawkmoth, he's heartless, even as a father.

"So, what are we going to do with this little thing?" poked Lila at the jar, "I don't suppose we still need this bangle to separate Ladybug and her kwami mid-transformation now that this little thing flew herself in here."

"I am not a thing!" yelled Tikki.

Lila scoffs with a smug look, "Yeah. Whatever."

Gabriel chuckles, "Oh don't worry Miss Rossi, Ladybug isn't the only miraculous holder we need."

Realizing what he meant, Tikki slams herself to the glass trying to knock the jar over,

"You won't get away with this!" she yells.

Gabriel grins ignoring her, "Ladybug will surely look for her kwami once she realizes that the creation kwami is gone. Before she finds out where this little one is, we better get to Chat Noir and grab his miraculous."

Who would have thought that Hawkmoth was right under their nose. And to make it worse, Lila has been working for him. Tikki's heart sunk. Not only has she jeopardized Marinette, now Adrien and Plagg are in danger too. What worries her more is the fact that Hawkmoth a.k.a. Gabriel Agreste, does not even realize that the one he's looking for is actually living in the same house as he is. The clock is ticking and she has to move fast before Hawkmoth finds out that his son is Chat Noir. But how? Tikki glances at Nooroo who was staring at her but Nooroo quickly shies away the moment he realizes Tikki was looking.

"If only I can make Nooroo work with me," she thought to herself, "I have to warn Plagg."

Little does Tikki know, Plagg has already gone and searched for her too. Will Plagg find Tikki first?

What will Marinette do now? Will Adrien find out of Gabriel's secret? The race against who finds out who first, now begins!

This was up in my drafts for quite a while now. I'll try to update soon. For now, I hope you enjoy!

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