
Doting grandfather in-law

Jiaying was more than a little bit surprised to see Shan walk into the house with Jinhai. How had their relationship progressed so quickly? She wondered curiously. The other members of her family were also surprised to see Shan but didn't ask any questions. 

Jinhai on the other hand almost fainted when he saw Chairman Mei. He wasn't sure, but this seemed like the first time he was meeting him since the last time he pretended to be Lijuan over the phone. He bowed briefly to Chairman Mei and his wife without meeting their eyes, but Chairman Mei simply smiled. He was glad that his daughter was going to have such a nice brother in-law to look out for her, even if it meant making a fool of himself.

"My beautiful granddaughter in-law. I thought you wouldn't come in to say hello to me." Chairman Wang said with a happy smile when Lijuan walked in with Yun.
