
Granddaughter in-law

Lijuan checked the time on her wristwatch as she hurried towards her car, she decided that it was probably best she do what Yun had done when she had reacted in like manner.

Jackie caught up with her before she got to her car and tried to hold her hand but she pulled away from him quickly.

Jackie wasn't expecting her to accept his feelings just because he had confessed to her. Although he had hoped for her to like him back but he knew that was impossible. But he still hadn't expected her to react that way.

"Did something happen? Or did I do or say something wrong?" He asked anxiously making Lijuan suddenly feel sorry for him. 

"No. You didn't do anything wrong. I have to attend my therapy session." She lied.

"Oh! I could take you there, and then..."

"No! I don't think that is a good idea. I really have to run now and you're delaying me." Lijuan told him as she opened her car's door.
