
You are jealous?

Lijuan sat in front of mirror inside her room when she returned home that evening. Every of Yun's words echoed in her ears as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. 

Maybe he was right. She shouldn't let words get to her. She had to fight this instead of wallowing in self pity all the time. 

She had to do this for herself. Not for anyone else, but for herself. She couldn't continue living that way and see everyone who despised her for her condition as unreasonable. 

She picked up a pen and a notepad and decided to write everything great about herself.

"I'm Beautiful, I'm rich, I'm intelligent, I'm witty, I'm humorous, I'm talented, I'm a great dancer, I've got a great fashion sense, I'm loyal, I've got a really hot body most girls would kill to have, I have supportive friends, I'm compassionate."

She read them all out to herself over and over again until her jaws ached.
