
Officially fake.

"I had no idea you both were friends when we met at the auction." Lijuan said as Yun led her to the seat he had reserved for them after exchanging pleasantries with Yang Lei. 

She had noticed how embarrassed Yang Lei was considering their first awkward meeting at the bathroom.

"We attended the same high school." Yun explained as he drew out a chair for her before going to sit on his own. 

"Oh! I see." Lijuan said nodding her head before returning her attention to Yun. 

"So what did you want us to plan?" She asked trying to relax by diving right into the subject.

"Calm down. We just got here... let's relax first with food and wine." Yun said with a smile before calling the waiter over to place their orders. 

Lijuan could feel something was odd but she couldn't point it out.

"So?" Lijuan asked when they were halfway through their meal. 

"We have to work on something to tell my grandfather." Yun said after a while. 
