
Measures in Textures

'Same weight, but longer length; this will do.' Jyorta held the long spindle in hand, descending the helical staircase after making a round through all spindle varieties. He finally landed on the floor; held in his hand were three spindles, two Type 59B2 and one Type 59BC24.

Jyorta then went to the next section and surfed through the Type 47 Spindles, finally choosing two Type 47B2. Done with all, he looked at his shivering hands, feeling the strain after having to carry approximately 14.5 kilograms.

'Are these too much?' He wondered, following along the path, tracing the arrows to arrive before the section with the chakrams. He read an information box on the floor, "Chakrams: Thin disks with sharp ends. The centre is thicker than the ends and both the faces are symmetrical. Note: the designs are not aerodynamically modified beyond the levels of symmetry. For reasons, ask the staff."
