
Chapter 899 Owner

"How can this old slave serve you in this auspicious afternoon, young master Chu." A thin ugly man welcomed the company of two.

This wise old slave trader has sharp eyes and it did not take him long to note the identity of his guest based on the insignia on Chu Yang's robes.

More than that, his eyes roamed greedily upon the tamed great beasts that pulled on the carriage of his prospective customers.

These giant winged wolves could only belong to persons of extreme power and yet it was odd that a younger generation could afford to own such beauty.

This slave trader could only assume that this young master was someone of immense important from the noble clan of Chu.

He did not even bother to note that glaring fact that this young man appeared to have no cultivation base whatsoever or that he was wearing such tasteless set of cultivator's robe on his person.
