
Chapter 860 Miracle Boy

"WOW! That was something else for a first points in the WBF! A quick steal leading off to a magnificent bomb down the end! Welcome to the league, Sean Evans!"

Announcer Ray exploded in praise after the initial shock has elapsed. The dome roared in a deafening shout for 3 seconds straight because of that awesome dunk.

Even the fans from the Legendary Minutemen could not help but applaud in the act.

It was after all not everyday to see someone of our bored gamer's category spank the ball through the rim with absolute vehemence.

"Hehehe. That dunk sure felt good on me." Clark smiled as he enjoyed the adoration of the crowd.

Although it was merely a short lived one but he planned to have more points in the floor in no time. He was not going to stop for only one.

"You were lucky with that steal. It won't happen again." A salty man spoke near our very own protagonist. This was the guard who lost his handle in the ball earlier.
