
Chapter 561 Lucas Osbert

"Affirmative, Dr. Ria Marie."


"Checking Available Database..."

"Cross Checking Via Earth Live Satellite Tracking..."

"Search Results: 1."

"Name: Lucas Osbert."

"Profile: Orphan, Beggar." The system's report occurred in just mere breaths. Afterwards, Doctor Ria Marie has also taken this chance to complete what she was about to say.

"...Mr. Lucas Osbert."

* * *

"We can take it from here, Doctor." A big tall man said towards the beautiful lady of medicine.

The wait did not take long at as the representatives from the Spectral Enforcement Committee arrived no longer that 5 minutes since the good doctor has contacted them.

Right now the bored traveler from far away has already gotten himself some proper clothes to wear.

Although it was really not that great because he could still feel himself dangle down south but that fact mattered little against the alternative.
