
Chapter 414 World of Astro

"I apologize, Miss Devarue!" the boy said as honestly as he could and had even wanted to prostrate before the girl.

"Go out..." but his planned action was halted before it could even be realized.

The boy wanted to retort a smart one but his mouth froze and he could hardly breathe air at all.

Not anymore. But only of the emotionless touch of cold and ice. The other boy could only get out of the room as if a conflagration of flames was up to eat his ass.

The fat boy was ignorant about this all. His big eyes focused merely on the girl in his hands. She was extremely beautiful if one could gauge beauty only in one's body and bar the face.

For her mien was filled with pimples. Not one centimeter was saved from the curious ailment. But what was more curious was her eyes. It was piercing and clear.

And no amount of taunts or ridicule could ever dim them or made them cry. At least as far as Caden knew.
