
Fixing Habits Part 1

"I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I," Calder stuttered heavily. Syria brought up a hand and rubbed her right eye. "You're on your own!" Pure Calder shouted as his nose started to bleed. "Good luck stud!" Evil Calder chimed in before both chibi Calder's disappeared. Calder could feel more heat rise into his face. 

"Calder?" Syria called out as she brought down her hand and started to sober up from her sleepiness. "Y-yes?" Calder replied. "Why is your fist up?" She asked innocently. Calder looked to his raised fist and felt his eyes pop out. He quickly dropped his hand and hid it behind his back. "I can explain!" Calder shouted in a panic. 

"What time is it?" Syria then asked. "I-I-I-I, I," Calder started to say before he started to take deep breathes in and out. "Are you okay?" She asked as started to reach up to his forehead. Calder's hair stood on end and a rush of blood went to his head. His legs trembled and without much warning his started to fall downwards. 
