
I'm Shen Yue

I wake up and it is pitch black. I can't see anything. I try talking, but nothing comes out. So I ask in my mind.

???: (System are you there?)

System: [Initializing will take 3 seconds




System initialized. Hello master what can I do for you.]

???: (Yes, can you tell me where I am at.)

System: [You are in your mother's womb right now.]

???: (Well that's just great, System show me what you can do.]

System: [Yes sir, these are your options



-World Travel

-Inbox {1}



if you need an explanation for each option please ask.]

???: (Tell me what each thing does.)

System: [Status it displays your current abilities and skills as well as your bloodline and anything of importance; Store it is completely free it has anything from any anime or novel you can think and more; World Travel as the name implies you can travel to any world in the entire multiverse like anime and comics or just anywhere you want with no restrictions; Inbox messages from God and rewards from quests, also you don't get a beginner package because the store is free; Inventory can store anything and has infinite storage capacity and you can control the time for each item like currently time is frozen but you can speed up the time by any amount for anything you choose like you can make the objects time 1:1000 meaning 1 day is 1000 days so if you need something to wait a long time you can use the inventory to make the item grow faster; Quests I will always let you know if you have a quest there are no hidden quests and all the rewards are shown because i'm the best system.]

???: (That was a lot to take in.)

System: [You currently have a message from God would you like to read it?]

???: (Yes, open the inbox.)

System: [Yes sir,

From God,

Hey so I forgot to mention you have been reborn as Shen Yue, so I hope you can forgive me. I made it to where you will have to wait one week in you're mother's womb other than that good luck getting out of the Sacred Family.]

Shen Yue: (Great now I'm one of the villains just my luck. System show me my status.)

System: [Right away

Name: Shen Yue

Bloodline: Human

Current World's Cultivation: 0 soul force no cultivation

Current World's Body Cultivation: 0 hasn't started training the body

Soul Realm: Indigo

Soul Form: Uniform

Spiritual Roots: Void 9 Grade

Skills/Abilities/Techniques: Nothing as of now

Library of Heaven's Path: Locked must touch any book that has a flaw

Shen Yue: (Can you tell me what the soul form and spiritual roots is about also even though I have every book can in the Library can i just touch a random a random book say flaws and it will open.)

System: [The soul form is uniform the opposite of disordered meaning the same never changing and the spiritual roots is void the black that Nie Li had is Void 1 Grade void is what's after heaven or in your case the place you went to instead of heaven, yes as long as a book has flaws the Library will open.]

Shen Yue: (Well guess I will just have to wait one week I'm going to sleep night System also I think I will call you Maple.)

Maple: [Goodnight master.]

Pretty much an info dump felt like writing one more chapter tonight. For the store give me any ideas you have I am after all just 1 mind and I can see why people struggle with books and next time I plan on doing a time skip goodnight.

Kamdon115creators' thoughts