
It's not that bad

"Exactly my point, why would she do that? Doesn't touching an apple give her rashes too?" Turning towards Noah, Owen added, "Why would you not stop your girlfriend from making something so dangerous?"

"Mel thinks her apple custard is the most tasty dessert in the whole world and everyone loves it." Who better than Ellie knew how dangerous her so-called special dessert was? She had been tolerating it since high school.

"So who is going to bring Mel out of the delusional shell she is living in?" Calvin asked.

When everyone gave him a weird look, he added, "What? Someone has to tell her about it right?"

Noah vigorously shook his head and frowned, "No way, we can't do that. Mel feels special when we tell her how tasty her dessert is okay? How can we let her down? What about her feelings?"

"Well, your girlfriends so-called feelings will give me food poisoning one day." Calvin hissed.

Rubbing her stomach, Ava sighed, "Everytime I eat that weird apple thing, I feel like the devil is running in my stomach."

"You people are exaggerating, I mean c'mon it's not that bad." Noah tried to defend his girlfriend's weird looking custard. Pointing at Sebastian, he added, "Seb likes it."

Ellie widened her eyes in shock and gasped. Looking at her boss who was sitting right beside her calmly sipping his wine in astonishment, she asked, "Really?"

"It's not that bad."

Owen helplessly shook his head and sighed, "I always knew something was wrong with Seb but I am a hundred percent sure that everything is wrong about him."

Shifting beside Sebastian, Ava wrapped her arms around him and said, "What are you talking about Owen? My brother eats boiled and bland food every fucking day so that weird looking dessert is like the taste of heaven for his taste buds."

When Ava gave him a pleading look, Sebastian smiled and nodded his head.

Squealing in excitement, Ava hugged him tightly. "Ahh thank you so much, you are my bestest brother."

Owen frowned and gritted his teeth. "Hey, this is cheating Ava, you can't always do this. You have to give us a chance as well."

Sticking her tongue out, Ava hugged Sebastian tighter and grinned. "Perks of sharing the same blood with Sebastian and don't forget one thing Owen, blood is thicker than water."

Ellie who was feeling very lost in their conversation, couldn't stop herself from asking, "What is happening here?"

"It's nothing, the Stewart siblings are bullying us once again." Owen said who was very pissed right now.

When Ellie gave them a confused look, Calvin explained, "Let me elaborate what that means. Since Sebastian is the only one who likes the dessert amongst us, Ava always uses her little sister trump card and somehow persuades Sebastian to eat her share too."

"Yes and we poor little souls have to eat everything off with a very genuine fake smile plastered in our faces."

Ava pouted her lips and complained, "Hey, stop accusing me like this, it's not my fault that Sebastian loves me way too much let me eat something that would make me sick later." Looking at Sebastian, she asked, "Right my handsome big brother."

Patting her head, Sebastian smiled and nodded his head.

Looking at Sebastian, Ellie's lips curled upwards. How could someone like him be called heartless and robotic?


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