
Two strong forces

Slowly opening his eyes, Ko could feel a constant, dull pain on the top of his head. When they were finally fully opened, he could see the dark sky.

"What happened?" He slowly asked, lifting his body up and looking around. As the pain went away, Ko also started to remember what had happened just seconds before.

'I was on the ground, and looking at Ely. Wait, my family. What happened to my family!' Ko thought.

He could find no traces of his wife and daughter. His head twisted and turned and eventually he could see his friend Ely huffing and panting.

"You!" Ko shouted as he ran towards his friend.

"Wait, Ko, what the hell are you doing!" Ely said as he turned with the crossbow still in his hand. It was loaded, but he didn't want to shoot his friend, especially if he hadn't been marked.

"Your family, they're fine!" He said as he quickly pointed a distance away.
