
Maximus! II


The countless threads and interactions within his body.

The threads and interactions outside of his body.

And information flowed.

|The Efficiency of your Existence has attained the absolute level of 100%|

|Your Resistance to Existence Based Weavings has reached 51%.|

|You have attained the Existential Veil of Transcendence.|


The Existential Veil of Transcendence!

Noah focused on this new quality of himself to interpret exactly what had occurred, his will finding an intricate weaving of his Quarks, Leptons, and Psioneutrino Particles dancing around him in an unfathomable way to enact a thing film of golden brilliance around his existence.

It was these waves of interactions that responded to the countless golden strings all around him.

As if he had reached a new frequency or wavelength that corresponded to these Higher Weavings of Existence.
