
Humans can't hurt me

Chang Seol turns on the television and raises the volume. She looks toward the kitchen. He seems to be busy. Her nose picks up the scent of meat and spices. She's sure that he will fail. But she has a mission today.

She walks toward the bedroom. Though she knows that she shouldn't be snooping around, she's dealing with a difficult person. Mister is hiding something big. Surely, he can't be an average person. Her instinct can't be wrong. Even No Shi Won and Kiluan were surprised by Mister's strength.

It's too much for a human.

The bedroom is also neat and clean. There are a few notebooks on the table. She flips through it. All the notebooks contain musical notes about new songs. She puts them down. Maybe Mister will show them to her someday. At the moment, she wants his other secret.

She walks to the wardrobe and opens it. Her eyes become big and round when she sees what's inside.

Male clothes are expected but...
