

Thinking about her old teacher, He Lixue was feeling rather emotional. Although he was the one who taught her hacking, her style was unique to her, and no one else than she knew how to create these firewalls and other programs that she specialized in.

Even her teacher had never asked for her to teach him, and she could not help but feel grateful. Back then, these codes were what made it possible for her to stay alive, but things were different now. She did not mind teaching it to others, as she was no longer the orphan He Lixue.

Although she was the He Lixue who had been killed overseas, she was also the He Lixue who had been in a coma for three years.

She had all her memories, and she could remember everything that she had experienced. Everything was so vivid that she knew that she had experienced it. Hence it had changed her personality slightly, and she had become a completely third person — a merge between the two He Lixues.

Manager Mo, and the others in the department, heard that He Lixue said that she would teach them how to write the code for this firewall, and they were all extremely excited, but when they looked at He Lixue, they saw that she was deep in thought, her brows furrowed, and a hand caressing her chin.

It took her a few moments to realize that they were all looking at her, and she could not help but smile sweetly. "Sorry, I was suddenly thinking about some things," she said with a sweet grin on her face, and the others quickly waved their hands, assuring her that it was completely fine.

Even if she wanted to cause a fuss, they would let her, because she was able to do something so amazing as this!

And as such, the entire day was spent with He Lixue teaching the differences in their firewalls. She was patient and explained everything in detail, no matter how many times she was asked.

She would demonstrate and help them from time to time, test their progress, and she quickly realized that the people within the IT Security Department of the Fenghuang Group were immensely skilled.

Even though Yang Shirou disliked He Lixue, as soon as she saw what they were doing, she gritted her teeth and did everything in her power to learn as quickly as possible. She wanted to get redemption for her embarrassing display the day before.

Seeing her, this serious, He Lixue felt like chuckling. Although Yang Shirou was annoying, she was slightly cute. Her stubbornness was different from most women that He Lixue had encountered before, and seeing that she had no intention of causing problems, He Lixue also taught her a few tricks and tips.

"Don't be too smug," Yang Shirou said to He Lixue, completely ignoring her usual gentle image. She had already destroyed her image as a white lotus, so she might as well be herself at work in the future.

"Although you are better than me now, I am going to learn everything from you, and overtake you in a matter of months!"

Hearing her words, He Lixue could not help but laugh, and she shook her head. "Then I wish you good luck," she said enigmatically.

The others who had been listening had been worried that He Lixue would be insulted, but she was way more mature than others her age, and it seemed that she did not at all put Yang Shirou in her eyes.

After teaching them all the methods she had used at the firewall made in the challenge, they were all ecstatic. It felt as if a lot of things became clearer, and problems that had plagued them previously showed signs of a breakthrough. They had gained much from this and seemed to think outside the box for once.

Although computers were rather rigid with how to create things, there was still space for some creativity. Knowing that they could be creative, all of them began writing their own codes, very different from their usual programs.

Everyone was within the conference room instead of at their individual offices. The reason was that they wanted to discuss with one another, test each other's code, and help each other as a team.

Everyone was buried in creating programs, and He Lixue was no different.

Not long ago, she had asked Lu Nanfeng to help her enter the Imperial University so that she could study Computer Science, but she had suddenly taken on a job.

She knew that when she went to university, she would have to resign, so she wanted to give him a big gift for helping her up until now. She would make the Fenghuang Group's computers into an impregnable fortress. She would ensure that even the best hackers in the world had no chance of launching an attack on this place.

To do this, she had to create a unique security system. She had made it once before and gifted it to her teacher. She did not know exactly what her teacher did as a living, but she knew that it was dangerous and that if someone got hold of information about him, he might be in danger.

Hence she had spent three years creating the security system that he used. Now she had found the second person she wished to help whole heartedly.

Although she had made the program once before, she was not willing to gift Lu Nanfeng a copy, so instead, she continued to develop and change a few things with the security program. As time went by, she was more and more engrossed in writing the code needed for the program.


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