
Coming from the Center

"Warmly welcome Asia's first flying man home!"

A red banner hung on the station platform. Chen Lao, Coach Zhou, Zhang Guan's parents, and the athletes who usually knew Zhang Guan all arrived at the station to welcome Zhang Guan.

The provincial sports department gave Zhang Guan a very high reception standard. Several leaders personally participated in the commendation meeting. The provincial leaders gave the house key to Zhang Guan in person.

The chairman of the Provincial Association of Sports Associations is more than happy. For the provincial sports association, the achievement of an "Asia's first trapeze" is not only a achievement, but also a historic breakthrough, and more importantly, it can be a helping unit to apply for more funds and financial subsidies in the next few years which is a real benefit.

Since Zhang Guan's hometown happens to be the provincial capital city, this saves a lot of time. On the second day, the municipal government also held a commendation meeting for Zhang Guan. The deputy mayor in charge of publicity in the city personally invited Zhang Guan to serve as the city's ambassador for the city. Zhang Guan agreed on the spot. This city ambassador mainly borrows Zhang Guan's name, without Zhang Guan actually participating in anything, of course, there is no reward.

Zhang Guan's itinerary on the third day was to go back to school. Since being elected to the provincial track and field team by Chen Lao a few months ago, Zhang Guan left the school, and Zhang Guan returned a few months later.

In the meeting room, the principal personally handed the thick A4 paper to Zhang Guan, and said, "The school helped you contact the famous universities in China, Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University, Zhejiang University, Nankai, Tongji, etc. All are willing to accept you for the interview. The detailed information is here. You can go back and take a look. If you have other requirements, you can also mention it to the school. The school will try to meet you."

"Thank you, principal!" Zhang Guan took the manuscript and looked at it in ten lines.

The conditions given by the various schools are similar. These universities are willing to recruit Zhang Guan and do not expect him to learn. What the school needs are Zhang Guan's "fame of the first flying man in Asia", so Zhang Guan only needs to go to the school to hang a name.

"Fudan University is good, I want to go to Fudan." Zhang Guan said.

"Fudan?" The principal froze for a moment. He thought Zhang Guanhui would choose Tsinghua University or Peking University, but he didn't expect him to choose Fudan.

"You can think slowly, don't worry, there is still half a year left anyway." The principal said.

"I chose Fudan, mainly because the Xinzhuang training base is there. The training conditions there are better. And I think the air will be better." Zhang Guan said.

"It turns out that this is the case. The Xinzhuang training base is indeed the first-class domestic track and field training venue." The principal said without understanding, he didn't care what Zhang Guan said about the air.

As a latecomer, Zhang Guan certainly knows how severe the smog in North China will be in the future. Although it is still several years before the smog erupts in North China, the industry in North China has entered a period of rapid development. Although the air in the Yangtze River Delta area cannot be said to be very good, it is much better than the high pollution in North China.

Sports itself requires a lot of outdoor training. Zhang Guan does not want to breathe smog every day, so he chose the Yangtze River Delta with relatively good air, and once the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail is opened in the future, it will be convenient to go to the capital.

In the next few days, Zhang Guan's schedule was also full, but a short holiday did not idle for a day.

After the busy holiday, Zhang Guan returned to the training field.

Chen Lao originally arranged technical training, but Zhang Guan told Chen Lao about the sore legs after the game. Chen Lao immediately realized that it was a physical problem, so he immediately changed the training plan and added strength training to improve Zhang Guan's physical strength.

It 's two months before New Year 's Day, and the domestic competition is not so intensive. Only next month there is a year-end Grand Prix of the National Athletics Championships. This event is a series of events. Athletes come to participate in the previous multi-stop competitions to earn points, and the final points can be entered in the year-end Grand Prix to compete for the championship. However, Zhang Guan did not participate in the previous races, so he did not earn points, so he would not participate.

Zhang Guan's next game is to participate in the National Indoor Athletics Championships after the Spring Festival tomorrow.


The provincial capital in November is already cold, although the weather forecast is still above zero, a thin layer of frost has appeared on the plant's branches and trees in the morning. Only the stream of pine holly still maintains an old green.

In this early morning, it is undoubtedly a pleasant thing to be able to lie down in the bed and sleep for a long time until the sun rises, the sun shines to the buttocks, and then wake up leisurely, leaning against the bedside and waking up. However, the athletes did not have the opportunity to enjoy this kind of comfort. When the morning was still dark, they got up and started the morning run.

For Zhang Guan, getting up early in the winter is a very painful thing, but this painful experience is not much, and he is gradually getting used to it. At least his efforts are being rewarded. He can feel his body getting stronger day by day.

After the morning run, Zhang Guan came to the cafeteria for breakfast. The athlete's cafeteria is very rich in breakfast. Soy milk, milk, and eggs are necessary for athletes every morning. Others such as noodles, steamed buns, buns, fritters, etc. are also available. In addition to several small pickles, dried ham and tofu, millet porridge is much thicker than those sold by small vendors outside.

However, the dietitian has already formulated a special meal plan for Zhang Guan, such as fritters is not eatable, ham contains too much starch, bean paste is too sweet, these are not related to Zhang Guan, rice can not be eaten. You can drink some millet porridge. You can drink and eat as much milk and eggs as possible. Also, it is specially allocated to beef jerky. As a special food for Zhang Guan, it can be used as a snack or a dish. In short, Zhang Guan's meal is less oil, less salt, less sugar, and more protein.

The first flying man in Asia is eligible to enjoy some special treatments, not to mention that next year is the Olympic year. If logistics problems affect Zhang Guan's performance in the Olympics, it is obviously not worth the loss.

The same is true for lunch and dinner. The special menu prepared by the dietitian and the small stove specially opened by the chef is much stronger in quality and taste than the big pot rice.

In terms of accommodation, Zhang Guan also enjoyed an independent dormitory with separate toilets and bathrooms, all of which are referenced to the coach's standard equipment.

Regarding commercial development, the Tianguan Center did not contact Zhang Guan. Until recently, Yu Gui called and told Zhang Guan that the world's most famous sports brand Nike hopes to sign Zhang Guan as a spokesperson and has contacted the Tian Association.

And a week later, the day finally came.


The center came with a director surnamed Sun, and the Nike company came with two people, one was a business manager surnamed Wang, and the other was a lawyer surnamed Zhu.

Director Sun directly handed a few sheets of A4 paper to Zhang Guan and asked Zhang Guan to sign. Obviously, he did not intend to give Zhang Guan room for choice. Zhang Guan took a rough look at it. This is a contract for authorized commercial development. There is no agreed time limit. If Zhang Guan signs, he will authorize his future commercial development to the center.

Zhang Guan didn't read every word carefully, but he can see that the contract is very rough. There are many places in the contract that are not clearly marked, there are holes that can be drilled, and there are several obvious clauses that are overlord. There is no protection in the Contract Law.

Zhang Guan thought about it, as the management department, it is not surprising to come up with such a contract. When they made the contract, they did not regard the athletes as an equal party, but believed that the athletes must accept their management and requirements, and did not consider reasonable issues at all. This phenomenon will not improve until a few years later, when the body has continuously issued various regulations.

Zhang Guan took up the Nike endorsement contract again. Compared with the previous one, the Nike endorsement contract was too professional. Thick stacks of manuscript paper stipulated every detail very densely. A large piece of explanation is enough to make ordinary people look dizzy, Zhang Guan estimated to touch it, if you look at the contract carefully, it will not be over in an hour.

"Professional contracts are different." Zhang Guan sighed, compared with the contract in the center as the menu of the Chinese team.

In Zhang Guan's experience, this kind of complex contract doesn't need to be viewed too carefully. There are no loopholes in the explanations and explanations that should be done by professional lawyers. Even if you are a layman, you will pick up the problem. Mr. Zhu is not a decoration. Just saying a few words with a lot of legal professional utterances that he does not understand is enough to turn his fooling around, so Zhang Guan only picked up sentences with numbers to look at them. Contains the most important information, such as endorsement time, endorsement cost, etc.

Finally, Zhang Guan found what he wanted to know on the penultimate page.

Nike 's endorsement fee is 300,000 cash per year plus 200,000 sports equipment sponsorship, which is the same price as Liu Feiren's signed endorsement this year, but the duration is up to five years.

Sports brands often choose some long-term contracts when signing spokespersons. For example, NBA players once signed in the 10s, and even have life-long endorsements, but this price makes Zhang Guan very unsatisfied. Zhang Guan felt that with his own potential, the price of 300,000 yuan was clear to come to pick up the cheap.

And the five-year period also shows the savviness of Nike. Five years later, it happens to be the Capital Olympics. If this endorsement contract takes effect immediately, Zhang Guan will wear the Nike brand to participate in the Capital Olympics. Zhang Guan is in the Capital Olympics and achieves good results, Nike will naturally relentlessly increase the price and renew the contract. If Zhang Guan's performance is not good, Nike may not continue to spend money. But what is certain is that Zhang Guan as the host athlete, as long as he can play in the Olympic Games, then the endorsement brand behind him will earn no loss.

Zhang Guan pondered for a moment, put down the contract, and said, "I'm afraid I can't sign this contract."
