
Time Bomb

After changing into some dry clothes, I walk back into the living room to see Kian and Binx having a strange stare off of some kind. When I come to a stop next to them, they both turn to look at me without saying a word. Odd...

"Okaaay, I see that you two are bonding or something but I'm fine. I promise. I have a lot of work to do." Kian cuts me off and says "Don't worry dollface. Binx and I will stay out here while you work. We won't bother you."

I hesitate for a minute before nodding at him and walking off. For some reason, I trust him. I always have...

I walk into my workroom and begin working on the spells again. I have no idea how strong this thing really is but I want to be prepared. I look to the small sack of filled glass marbles and nod. I'll need more if this is going to work.

I check my phone to see when my package will arrive and smile when I see that it'll be here today. I need to get to work!

Three hours and a full bag of potions later, I hear the doorbell ring so I take off running. My package!! I greet the delivery guy and practically snatch the package as I tell him "Thank you!" and slam the door in his face.

Binx and Kian are still sitting on the couch but this time they're sitting on the same couch and watching something on TV. I pause with the package in my arms as I turn to look at the TV with curiosity. It's on the history channel...

Frowning, I turn back to the two and ask "What are you two doing?" Binx is quick to answer "I'm teaching Kian everything he needs to know about humans and their history." I look to Kian to see him nod in agreement, causing my frown to deepen.

"That couldn't possibly go wrong..." I say with worry and walk off. I hear Binx hiss at me but I ignore the furball and begin opening the box. A brand-new paintball gun is waiting for me in all its shiny glory.

I run my fingers down the side of the black paintball gun and practically purr. This little beauty is going to be my partner tonight. I load the glass marbles into the canister and cap it off. I fill a small magical bag of the rest and make plans.

Tonight I'm going to kill this thing... Or die trying. After getting changed into some battle-ready gear I use the strap on the paintball gun to strap it to my back and tie the bag to my hip. I walk over to my cabinets and pull out several enchanted blades.

I slip them into my belt, thigh belt, and into my combat boots. When I look at the time, I see that it's twelve thirty-five in the morning. Perfect. Most humans should be in bed or at home, leaving alone with the walking demon nightmare.

When I walk out of the room, Binx and Kian stand by the door, ready to go. I smirk at the two and shake my head as I say "I should have known you two knew what I'd be doing tonight." Binx raises his head high as he says "I'll be earning a shark tonight."

I raise my eyebrows at him and say "I guess that remains to be seen..." His little black ears flatten back on his head as his eyes flash red with anger. He shifts into his shadowy form and says "Let's see who kills it first!"

The door flies open and he flashes out into the night, leaving Kian and I alone in the doorway. Kian watches Binx slink off into the night and asks "Is it okay for him to rush out alone like that?" I smile at Kian and say "He's ancient and very wise about battles even if he doesn't look it. Plus, he won't die as long as I'm alive."

Kian looks at me in surprise before asking "What happens if you die?" I look back out into the night and say "He dies too. We are one." I walk out the door with Kian following behind me. The house shuts the door and locks it. It's way of saying "I'll protect the house until you come back."

I walk over to my car and unlock it as I say "Are you riding with me?" Kian gives me a dark smirk and says "The only way I'll ride." As he walks over to the door, his entire outfit begins to shift and change.

Dark wisps of mist cover him in different spots as his clothes become darker and battle friendly. That's a neat little trick... I smirk at him and slip into the car.

As I drive downtown, I look over to him and ask "Can you die?" He smirks at me and says "I'm extremely hard to kill, dollface." I look back to the road and bite my lip before saying "So that's a 'yes'... What happens if you die? Are you gone forever or do you like... respawn or something?"

He frowns at me and says "Respawn? Uh... I'm not sure if that's what I do but if I die here, I return back to hell. If I die in hell, I die for real." I nod my head and think back to what he said about having to wait ten years before being summoned again.

I nod my head back and forth, weighing the pros and cons before saying "Okay... if things get rough, I don't want you to die, okay? Get away and heal yourself... no matter what." I quickly look over to him to make my point but he just keeps his head straight and slightly nods in silence.

I narrow my eyes at him before quickly looking back to the road. I don't want to crash and kill us both before even doing anything. When I see the road is clear, I look back to him and say "Look at me." He looks over at me with a blank face, further making me suspicious.

"I mean it, Kian. I can't handle losing you again... please." I say but before he has a chance to answer, he suddenly looks forward. I quickly look forward as well to see the demon coming straight at us!!

I slam on the brakes but it's too late!! Suddenly, Binx appears and uses his body to help deflect the blow but it's not enough. Metal and glass go flying everywhere as we collide!
