
Country of Champions 19

Over a dinner that Garret complimented to death between unending apologies, he said, "But seriously. I'm going to marry a mage girl and I want you to teacher her that thing you were doing."

Orison snorted. "Look for one from medical support and they probably know a few better already. Warning, I bet their husbands are 100% faithful for a lot more reasons than just one."

The teen frowned. "No dice. The only group more pestered for dates than a Rowdies guy is a milk maid, er, medical support person. One that's both is double troubled. Survival is justice...There's some team leaders who'd drop more than pride and bend more than their morality to get and keep one on their roster.

"A Rowdy woman with medical skills who leaves the safety of the Blue Rose Committee to join a standard away team by choice or necessity, has a hard time not finding herself in a closed circle of men acting like jealous boyfriends. A Rowdy man who has decent medical skills that can't be seduced into the Blue Rose's volunteer loop or doesn't come out of accelerator with a training wheels team, gets mentally lumped into the rest of the unicorns and treasure trolls that permanent teams fight over."

Realizing he threw more slang at the confused young mage, Garret added, "The volunteer loop is a trick Blue Rose, and a couple of other specialized organizations that Avalon allows to exist, use to float a person from team to team if that person can't legally join an organization officially.

"All this only applies for the first two years. Once you're a veteran, Avalon takes off the gloves and puts you where you're needed most. Women and certain special needs groups retain the right to opt out of long duty posts, though."

Orison nodded. "First two years, recruits are somewhat protected from things and after that, no more pampering. I guess Avalon expects a twenty year old to be caught up to the rest of the adult world or at least ready to be measured by its standards... What about this unicorn and treasure troll business?"

Garret gave him a surprised look before he shrugged and said, "Treasure trolls are people with problems but highly desirable skills or abilities. Some less understanding people might consider a unicorn one of them but... I talked to a trainer when I was in First Wave that had spent several tours on long duties.

"He told me that even if I would never be able to understand why, good commanders of long duty posts always make sure there are a couple of unicorns around. He also said I should be friendly to the ones I find there and my life would be a little easier even if I never wanted, you know. They help keep morale up and assaults down. I don't think I ever really DID understand why until today. I kinda still wish I didn't and I really am sorry for that, uh, thing earlier."

Orison frowned and said, "When I was carrying you to your room you were sobbing like a brokenhearted child. Somehow you found the strength to pet my head. You called me Sinclair and told me not to be sad when you gave me to your sister tomorrow... I warned you what would happen if you brought it up by apologizing again. I've got enough to cover about seven more you haven't heard yet... Honestly, that one made my nose feel a little sour. You were a good big brother, even when you were just a little guy."

Garret returned to his meal in tomato-faced silence. To lessen whatever sting the guy was feeling, Orison commented on the 'puffy muscle' problem being gone. He would expect that alone would help raise speed and dexterity performance a good twenty percent or more. Since Garret had about a good hour left before crash, he suggested that they played a couple of games or something once they washed up the dishes.

About two rounds in, Rio came waltzing into the house with the doll-faced woman and a solidly built but rather forgettable brown haired/eyed guy. "I have arrived my loyal subjects! No need to rise. Be as you were."

Dully, Orison said, "Welcome home, royal pain. You got your partner situation figured out?"

Rio smiled and said, "Yup. As long as I finish learning up the healing model, Esme's going to make sure I have reliable partners every step of the way. Oh, she's Trisha's friend by the way."

Orison looked at the doll-faced woman. "Pleased to meet you, Blue Rose Committee member, Esme. Trisha pointed you wise to him already? Please tell me Daphne wasn't part of some kind of setup to sniff out his skills and abilities. She deserves to be treated better than that."

Esme's cool poker face held perfectly. "You have the order backwards. Daphne fell prey to little Rio's charm from day one. She was his school ambassador... The one who showed him where everything was."

Rio said, "Uh, this got weird quick. Is there something I should be worried about, Sonny?"

Orison sighed. "Lame nickname aside, not really. So, you're going the organization route? Not a bad plan."

Slightly annoyed, Rio said, "And after I prove I'm not some pervert just for preferring the company of girls, I'm going to use the green to gold program and switch to core command. Listen to this. When I went to the guidance councilor to ask what it would take to earn a core program sponsorship, they told me I was yellow flagged! It took the rest of the meeting to get that I had to be on my best behavior for two years and no harassment on my record during that time to have it removed!"

Esme added, "Intake personnel can be overly sensitive about probationary citizen's behavior. Don't take it too personally. There aren't too many first generation Avalon citizens in core. Almost all of them have spent two years of active service before going green to gold."

Drumming up some sympathy, Rio looked at Garret and said, "I heard that Sonny helped you with some issues today with your mom. I hope everything turned out alright."

"About as good as they possibly could, I'd say," Garret said with a slightly tired smile, showing that his life essence high was entering the last stretch of its down hill run.

Looking apologetic, Rio said, "So, no hard feeling about not picking you to be my Rowdies partner?"

Garret looked at Orison who said, "You two wouldn't be that good of a match anyway."

Surprised, Rio said, "Wow. That was a little harsh... Well, anyway. What's said is said. Don't let it bum you out, big guy. Sonny's standards are a bit too high but I'm sure you'll find a partner in no time. Uh, so I guess I'll see you at school, Garret..."

A little confused, Garret nodded and waited for Orison to unpause the game.

The young mage elbowed him to get his attention, winked and said, "Yeah, it's getting pretty late. You should probably go home. Let me walk you to the door."

Catching on, Garret pretended to be downcast and followed Orison outside before following him back in with a smirk.

As Rio and even Esme watched in confusion, Garret said, "I'm home, temporary guardian and temporary little brother."

Holding back a snicker, Orison said, "Welcome back. You still feel up to playing or..."

Garret said, "I'm not quite lights out ready but I'm too sluggish to be anything but a punching bag."

Orison nodded and said, "Why don't you go ahead and check out the RPG that you were eyeballing earlier. I need to catch Rio up to speed anyway."

With an odd look on his face, Rio said, "I don't get it. If he's not good enough for me, why did you take him in? Did you just feel like doing a good deed or something?"

Frowning, Orison said, "Who said he was the one not good enough? I said you weren't a good match because he's already been to second wave, up to a year ahead of where you are. He's a good tank and he'll have no problems covering your mistakes but he won't be so good at pointing them out because he might not even realize you're making one. His old partner was kind of garbage.

"If you get in the habit of taking that for granted, then when a less attentive person is covering you while you're deep casting the hard stuff, you're going to get hurt or killed. You need someone at you're own level so that you can learn how to deal with your own mistakes and spot ones your cover's making. If you were starting off in real combat, then yeah. Take advantage of what you can but while you're in training, no."

Esme chimed in, "The final summit exists to clear up those issues but if you wait til you're there to start fixing those bad habits, you could be there for awhile. And trust me, the last thing you want is to be taking remedial training in 'Third Summit'. The Three Summits stage is the equivalent of an extended military basic training as it is. There are no fun times to be had there."

A little angry and embarrassed, Rio said, "So, you sniped him from me because you want him as your partner?"

Orison was surprised for a moment and then actually thought about it. That didn't escape Garret or Rio's attention.

As the two teenagers shared a look, Garret said, "Just to clear the air. I kinda figured out early in, which way you were leaning as soon as Esme showed up. After that T3 security guy told you what was up with your housing situation, I thought I'd give asking to crash here for a few months a shot. When it turned into the mess it did and he still went through with it, I sort of thought that he wanted me to be your partner or his. I guess I was overthinking it."

Orison shook his head. "No. I was under-thinking it. There's parts I could breeze through a lot faster if I actually have a partner instead of trying to solo it. Not to mention, you're not a bad choice to screen for filling out my after graduation team. There's time to figure that stuff out later, though.

"Rio, before you start getting bent out of shape about things, do you even know what you really want yet? I'm for Rowdies all the way. You're a year minimum before you can legally be cleared for delayed entry and five months beyond that before you can get emancipated to waive the last nine months til you're eighteen. Even if you were set on it and I dragged you by your bootstraps, personally training you, I'll still be actively serving months before you can join me.

"Take your time. Enjoy yourself. Have girlfriends and go to parties or whatever. That's not my road and you'll be miserable and full of regrets trying to walk mine with me right now."

Rio looked like he was hurt but trying to hide it. "I could close my eyes and almost imagine my big brother standing where you are. So, that's it then? I'm going to get left behind again because I'm not-"

Orison froze Rio with the most dire look the young mage could summon. "There are some things that should only be discussed in private and answers I'll only give you in private. I have no intentions on leaving you behind unless you don't listen to me. There are some things I have to do before you are reasonably able to be where they need done. There's nothing more or less to it."

Things weren't resolved but it wasn't Rio's nature to air out his feelings. He just packed them away.

With a fake cheeriness he said, "Well, I guess I'll just have to go out and have enough fun to cover what you're going to miss out on then. One of us has to have a girlfriend and go out on dates or people might start getting the wrong idea."

Orison sneered and said, "I don't remember swearing off fun. It's just not my highest priority."

Esme cut Rio's response off. "In that case, if you have some time free, I'm in need of an arm decoration to hang off of for a retirement ball this coming Friday. It won't be fun, exactly, but you'll be able to mingle with elite in a setting where they at least have to be polite."

"Does this date offering come with a side of recruitment attempts?" Orison said wryly.

Esme smiled faintly and said, "Absolutely not. Trying to add Committee business to family business is a recipe for misery. Besides, I do have a personal life."

Confused, Rio said, "You told Daphne that Trisha was thinking of asking him but was intimidated by how young he looked and you agreed."

Esme said, "I agreed that he looks young but I'm not intimidated by it... People say I can come off cold and uncaring, are you intimidated by THAT, Orison?"

Orison shook his head. "Of all the things I may think or feel about it, intimidated isn't one of them."

Looking a little mischievous, Rio said, "But she did tell you she was thinking about it. Don't you feel bad about butting in on your friend like that?"

Orison almost felt like laughing at Rio's attempt to c**k block a situation he wasn't really invested in."

The porcelain skinned and fragile looking beauty said, "She should be more decisive."

The young mage went from almost feeling like laughing to actively trying not to.

Making one last stab at it, Rio said, "She's recovering from a medical thing."

She took a slightly longer breath through her nose and let it out slowly in what Orison identified as a carefully hidden urge to sigh. "Her mouth still works and her fingers aren't broken... No offense but it's also not your business."

She turned to Orison and waited for his reply. "I'll let you know by tomorrow night. Send me the details to my touchscreen. I need to make sure nothing will come up to keep from honoring it if I say yes."

The faintest hint of a smile graced her lips again as she said, "I can respect that. I wouldn't need to know until Wednesday."

"By tomorrow night you'll have an answer, even if it's no," Orison assured.

She nodded and turned to leave, faint smile still hovering on her lips.

Turning to the guy that came with them, the young mage said, "Are you going or staying til school tomorrow?"

The guy looked surprised and said, "You still know I'm here? Oh, that's right, you're a sensitive. My passive aura probably works in reverse with you."

Rio almost jumped out of his skin. "You're good, dude!... Oh, he's Glenn. He's not my actual program partner. He's my partner's junior trainer and he was going to run through some stuff with me. Since it might run late, do you mind if he stays til school tomorrow?"

Orison said, "No, I don't mind but we have magic heritage training tomorrow. So, no guests. The rest of the week's fine, though... I have some remaining protein and mineral balance mix left in the fridge. It's got a little herbal kick that'll help with recovery. Feel free to use it so it doesn't go to waste."

Glenn asked. "Can I see the mix list?"

Orison forwarded it to him and added, "The secret ingredient was something I picked up today. You'll forgive me for not disclosing but you know where I was. Some people like their secrets kept but I hate seeing good stuff get dumped when it could be used by somebody."

Sometime during his conversation with Glenn that ended up straying into the school provided supplements versus Orison's personal use ones, Garret finally started losing his battle with sleep and went to bed. Using the interruption, Rio grabbed Glenn's attention and they went off to the training 'bunker'.

With that reminder, Orison thought, "Why would a building made inside of an admittedly large but still enclosed space with artificial lighting and weather imitation need a storm shelter? Maybe it was a fallout shelter?..."

He spent some time revising his long term plans to provisionally include Garret and decided to rest early. It was very likely that there would be another surge of restlessness somewhere around early morning in the teen and Orison was curious how much of a difference the vital water had made. It would also be the biggest hurdle Garret faced if he wanted to earn Orison's trust.

Depending on how good the results were, the teen could test back into accelerator as a 'resurgence', a type of secondary latent awakening. If he decided to show off and get new stats recorded, there was a decent possibility of getting pulled into the elite portion of the Rogers family. If the teen was more interested in what the young mage had to offer or had formed some sense of indebtedness, Orison didn't mind slowly drawing Garret into the inner circle.

With a last burst of effort for a shower, he turned in. Mere moments after he had slipped into trance a knock at his door drew him back. Grumbling, the young mage activated his teaser suit. On the off chance it was their guest or Garret, he hadn't had a chance to give them the 'When the lights are out and the bedroom's door is closed, visual trauma is on you.' rule yet.

It was Rio. The teen wanted to ask about which of the two open bedrooms after he'd picked his own was the guest bedroom. Since one adjoined his own and was locked, Orison thought that was fairly clear. It turned out that Rio was just looking for an excuse to apologize over the Esme thing.

Rio was worried about a lot of things, especially his future. And seeing the young mage get chummy with the Blue Rose rep he'd be working with, had set off some insecurity. Reading between the lines, the young mage caught a hint that Rio suffered from a light case of 'all pretty girls belong to me' and 'I'm the real protagonist' diseases too. He didn't care. Everybody had their flaws and underneath it, Rio was still a likable kid in Orison's eyes. He did threaten some swift and terrible vengeance if his young friend interfered with any serious romantic interests, however.
