
Chapter Two hundred six: Guilt trip

"Hey, hey, hey! It's alright!" I interrupted him, giggling. "I'm not saying these things to make you feel guilty about what happened to us in the past."


"I'm happy to know that you now know how to spend your leave and enjoy the weekends." I winked at him.

"Where I should have learned to do and enjoy back then." He sighed deeply. "How I wish the time would turn back so I could appreciate it more... so I could have spent more effort, date and time with you."

I blinked in surprise. I didn't expect to hear it from him. I even noticed the disappointment swirling in his blue eyes as they stared at me.

"Man, it's alright, it's in the past!" I patted his hand which was on the counter board l. "At least now we have learned to appreciate the time compared to before. We have realized how important the time is and it's true when they say time is gold, because it really is." I smiled. Deep inside, I was also hit by my own words.

"But still..."
