Zio rushed out of his house and noticed a group of men entering the village with a large wild beast hanging on a pole between their shoulder, it is a giant boar, this boar will be able to feed the whole clan for days.
Seeing his father Zio rushed towards him to help them carry the big carcass of the wild boar.
"Zio go and help the elders to put up a fire while I cut down this boar"
The man who stood in front of Zio said, he is a tall man with a lot of muscle on his body, standing over 6 feet tall, massive forearms which are as thick as his own head, red hair and light brown skin, this man is none other than Zio's father.
The current leader of this small clan.
"Ok dad"
He says and zooms off towards the elderly people who are busy setting up a massive fire right in the middle of the village.
Since their kill is very large, the whole village will come together and eat it with everyone around them.
This type of huge kills are very rare, some of Zio's friends join him to help him built up the fireplace by bringing in the dry woods and some dry leaves, after setting everything up they light the fire, the smoke rises high up in the sky while the giant fire lights up the center of the village.
Everyone in the village is happy and eating their belly full tonight due to this big prey that the hunting party brought in today.
The hunting party sat in one corner talking about their successful hunt and laughing amounts each other, the children were running around the fire while the elders scolded them to get away from it as they might trip and burn themselves, it was a happy day.
Zio and his family returned to their house, his grandfather lived in another house while this house only is for Zio and his family, Zio's father Zaden saw something familiar when he walked in, the black plain book which was passed down to him by his father.
He asked while looking at Lisa.
"Dad gave it to Zio saying that it is not a big deal, the book has lost his value and the contents inside are not too accurate"
She said and sighed.
"It's fine, Dad was fixed on believing everything that was written on that book, it's good that he has looked past it, it is just a story written by the old people millions of years ago, it's a miracle that it has survived for such a long time"
He said and sighed at well. When he first received the book from his father, Zaden was really excited but he soon came to the realization that nothing written in this book was practical, this book said that there is a God Religan on top of Mount Asura but even after millions of years no one has seen it, one who tried to find it came out empty-handed or missing.
Even the tails about their ancestor seemed like a lie as the people living in the world outside has no clue about clan Asura, their clan has been forgotten by the world and their ancestor's name has completely disappeared from the face of this world, it was a million-year-old history so this was bound to happen, who in the right mind would remember something that happened millions of years ago.
People in this world have a hard time remembering the glory of people who lived a thousand years ago let alone a million.
A month passed as Zio continued reading the book and finally finished, he was so engrossed into the story in this book that he didn't even go to play with his friends and when he was not reading he would practice hunting and sword fighting with his Grandpa who was an exceptional hunter during his prime.
He is still a great hunter but he doesn't participate in the hunt now because he is old and he is retired, everyone complains about him being healthy and wanting to retire but no one dares to say it in his face except Zio.
Zio always teases his Grandpa about being a lazy ass who does nothing but sleeping in his house, to which Grandpa just laughs it off, Zio has gotten used to the way of the sword by now and his skills with a bow and arrow are very exceptional.
Even Grandpa was surprised by how good Zio is with a bow and arrow but he sighed, a Bow and Arrow can be a very devastating Religan type if the user is very powerful but their clan is no way near the peak of this world so teaching Zio the way of the Bow is something they cannot do.
Zio soon finishes reading the book and something grows inside him, the desire to find the God Religan that is said to be on top of Mount Asura.
On a certain day, Zio runs out of the village after having his breakfast while telling his mom that he is going to play with his friends.
He makes sure to drag Gina his cousin with him so his mother doesn't get suspicious.
If she finds out that he wants to climb the mountain, she will drag him into the house and slap his butt till it becomes red hot.
This will be a slow start as I told before but I am also learning along the way and coming up with ways on how to improve Zio as a character, what are his habits, character, morals and such.