

Their friendly greeting was met with nothing but tension from the other ladies in the group and smiles from the men. 

Annabeth looked up, observing the group. There were a few more people in the group that she didn't recognize from before. 6 more females and 4 more males, both were staring at the girls intently, their gazes ever so different. 

Annabeth smiled, in an attempt to soften up the mood. It worked, only halfway though, as the men in the group immediately blushed while the ladies frowns lessened by very little or worsened by a lot more. There was an undeniable sense of tension in the air. She could see it in the eyes of the girls that peered at her. It was vicious, it was anger. 

Annabeth grinned. 'How exciting.'

Justin looked at his sisters and then turned back to the group. "They've been talking a lot about you guys in private," Justin chuckled to which Jena and Maria giggled. 
