

The room was filled with performers, a total of 50 performers and 25 maids to assist with them getting ready. Annabeth and her sisters sat on one side of the room, their brother on the other as they got ready. There was a line in the middle of the room, and a long curtain suspended from the ceiling that completely blocked one side from looking at the other. It was the line separating the males from the females while there were little rooms in the room where the performers could get ready without seeing each other. 

The event had been running for a while now and no one really knew what part of the event they were at. That was, until footsteps echoed through the room, echoing into the little room each performer was in with their group. 

"The performing segment of the event has begun," the voice announced, loud and clear, her voice being heard by all the performers in the room. A chill ran through the room, competition, and tenseness hung in the air. 
